вторник, 8 мая 2018 г.

Melhor sistema de negociação para opções binárias

Forex & # 038; CFD Trading Robot.

Como se beneficiar com robôs Forex?

Um Forex & amp; O robô comercial CFD é basicamente um pedaço de software que é capaz de analisar com precisão os dados que podem afetar a maneira como os ativos & # 8217; movimento de preços. Possui modo manual e automático. A única diferença entre eles é que os usuários podem personalizar suas configurações de investimento de acordo com suas próprias preferências e colocar os próprios negócios ao escolher o primeiro ou deixar o sistema fazer tudo em seu nome se eles escolherem o último.

Como começar em 3 etapas fáceis?

➽ Assinar: geralmente, apenas um par de detalhes básicos devem ser inseridos no formulário de inscrição: nome, endereço de e-mail e número de telefone. Os usuários podem escolher um sistema de negociação Forex, CFD e Crypto dos respeitáveis ​​abaixo.

Comece com 3 etapas fáceis.

Escolha um robô da lista abaixo:

Registre uma conta de robô.

Eu pessoalmente uso 3 robôs diferentes para diversificar meu risco. É altamente recomendável que você comece pelo menos 2 robôs.

Comece a negociar e coletar lucros.

Conta de negociação do fundo.

$ 250 é o valor mínimo para começar. Você pode retirá-lo a qualquer momento.

Alternar auto-trading ON.

O software começará a comercializar os mercados financeiros on-line.

Os pedidos de retirada normalmente são preenchidos em 2 dias úteis.

➽ Escolha um corretor: cada robô de investimento online funciona com diferentes corretoras. Depois de se inscrever com um determinado software, uma carta de confirmação é enviada quase que imediatamente para a caixa de entrada do comerciante. Os comerciantes são então obrigados a decidir com qual corretor eles gostariam de trabalhar.

➽ Procedimento de retirada: a maioria dos robôs oferece retiradas rápidas ou instantâneas. Para receber seus ganhos, os investidores devem preencher um formulário de solicitação e aplicar uma cópia da identificação pessoal para verificação.

O software de robôs Forex mais comum é um sistema de negociação automática que executa negociações automaticamente em sua conta de usuário. Essas ações são baseadas em uma combinação de estilos de investimento e sinais sobre os quais você possui um certo grau de controle limitado. Essas plataformas on-line podem ser provedores de sinais e comerciantes automáticos ao mesmo tempo. Este é um pouco mais avançado do que a versão mais simples dos dois serviços porque oferece um tipo de negociação muito exclusivo # 8211; uma combinação recentemente desenvolvida no mercado de diferentes estratégias e técnicas de negociação.

Hoje em dia, os sistemas de investimento comercial Forex e CFD chegaram muito longe dos primeiros começos humildes. Eles têm todos os tipos de características únicas e fornecem vários métodos pelos quais se pode amplificar seus ganhos na Internet - como a implementação de cópias e espelhamentos, investimentos compostos e outros.

Como posso começar a ganhar dinheiro através da negociação online?

Não há experiência necessária, nenhum conhecimento aprofundado e nenhuma habilidade. Se os usuários desejam adquirir tal - não há problema, porque a maioria dos robôs automatizados Forex apresentam alguns artigos educativos e Webinars ao vivo, se não são universidades de negociação e centros educacionais virtuais.

Em geral, todo o ponto da existência desse software de ampliação de lucro é facilitar o procedimento de investimento e assumir o processo de negociação em vez dos usuários. Claro, não é aconselhável deixar o robô completamente sem supervisão porque alguns deles experimentam erros de tempos em tempos.

No entanto, em geral, os sistemas automatizados Forex são um bom caminho para que os comerciantes aprendam enquanto eles estão ganhando uma renda adicional sólida a partir do conforto de sua própria residência. A pesquisa preliminar e a leitura das revisões são boas antes de se juntar a um robô específico apenas para sentir que seus fundos são seguros e seguros.

Por que optar por robôs Forex?

Existem muitas soluções geradoras de renda disponíveis nos vastos espaços da Internet. Alguns usuários podem se perguntar por que eles deveriam ir e escolher exatamente os sistemas automatizados Forex.

Há muitas razões pelas quais os comerciantes devem fazer isso. Deixe mencionar alguns deles aqui:

Lucros garantidos: uma das melhores coisas sobre os robôs de investimento Forex é que as chances de perder operações financeiras são quase eliminadas. Isso não significa que eles não podem acontecer, mas a maioria dos sistemas possui controle de nível de risco ou recursos de stop-loss. 100% grátis: não há absolutamente nenhuma taxa que se deve colocar para negociar online usando este tipo de soluções amplificadoras de lucro. Inscreva-se e o registro é totalmente gratuito. Esta é uma das ótimas coisas sobre o Forex. Everybody Trades Forex: tornaram-se tão populares que quase não existe uma única pessoa na Internet que não os testou. O que é bom porque há muitos comentários sobre o desempenho de determinados sistemas. Também é mais uma razão para experimentá-los - se todos o fizerem, devem ser lucrativos. Não há habilidades exigidas: os usuários não são obrigados a ter nenhuma formação formal ou treinamento profissional para começar e adquirir lucros sólidos. A maior parte das soluções de ampliação de lucro tem um modo totalmente automático que permite que os comerciantes simplesmente se sentem e relaxem, pois o software faz tudo para você. Fornecido Guidance & amp; Suporte: Um dos grandes benefícios de começar com uma plataforma on-line Forex é que, se os investidores desejam adquirir informações e conhecimentos adicionais, eles têm a oportunidade de fazê-lo. A maioria das soluções legítimas de geração de renda possuem materiais de aprendizagem interativos disponíveis gratuitamente. O serviço de suporte ao cliente também é uma obrigação.

"Eu não conhecia uma única coisa sobre negociação Forex e CFD quando comecei. Eu estava enfrentando problemas financeiros e dificuldades por um longo tempo e um amigo meu sugeriu que eu deveria testar um software gerador de renda que tivesse um registro gratuito. Eu estava hesitante por um longo período antes de começar com uma, mas no final acabou por ser uma experiência útil e lucrativa. O sistema com que comecei operava com uma corretora que tinha um sólido Centro de Educação, então também aprendi uma coisa ou também ".

"Os robôs comerciais Forex e CFD realmente conseguiram mudar minha vida para melhor. Atualmente, estou usando três sistemas diferentes e desfrutando de uma completa liberdade financeira. A melhor parte é que você não precisa conhecer uma única coisa sobre os investimentos on-line para que eles sejam uma experiência lucrativa e positiva para você ".

"Deve sempre ter cuidado ao proceder ao comércio na Internet. Existem todos os tipos de golpes online. Felizmente, com o Forex e o CFD, a possibilidade de cair em um é mantida em muito o nível mínimo. Especialmente, quando se lê um monte de comentários antes de abrir uma conta com um determinado robô ou corretor. Ganhar uma boa adição à sua renda mensal é tão fácil que todos devem tentar. "

Como escolher o melhor robô Forex?

Existem vários fatores-chave que os usuários devem estar atentos quando consideram abrir uma conta com um determinado software automatizado de Forex e CFD. Mesmo que alguém não seja um especialista, ele deve, pelo menos, ler um par de comentários disponíveis na Internet. Uma busca simples deve levá-lo à resposta que eles precisam.

Outra coisa que é boa para estar sempre atento são as características especiais que o sistema de negociação Forex de sua escolha pessoal tem. Presença de materiais educacionais disponíveis, atendimento ao cliente 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, e um modo automatizado que é capaz de colocar apenas os investimentos certos em vez do usuário.

Você sempre deve confiar na opinião de outros usuários. Geralmente, se um grande grupo de pessoas tem uma certa consideração em uma determinada plataforma de geração de renda, então eles devem estar no caminho certo. Especialmente, se eles estão perdendo seus investimentos iniciais e não acumulando nenhum retorno. Além disso, se os investidores estiverem satisfeitos com a forma como funciona - significa que é legítimo e não faz parte dos produtos fraudulentos.

Robô Forex recomendado.

A fim de tornar o processo de escolha do robô de negociação Forex e CFD perfeito, mais sem problemas e sem problemas, compilamos uma pequena lista dos melhores disponíveis atualmente na Internet. Alguns deles vieram recentemente, enquanto outros estão disponíveis por algum tempo agora. A coisa comum entre eles é que todos eles são comprovados para operar com um alto grau de precisão e são 100% legítimos.

Eles operam apenas com corretores regulados e respeitáveis ​​e possuem excelentes características e características especiais que são únicas unicamente para eles. Os serviços de suporte ao cliente operam 24 horas por dia e são muito sensíveis aos usuários # 8217; necessidades e pedidos. Outro elemento comum que eles compartilham é que eles estavam em desenvolvimento há anos e são fundados por especialistas e especialistas que vêm de diferentes áreas.

HB Swiss: Criado por Hans Berger, CEO da empresa, este software já existe há muito tempo e provou ser um parceiro de acumulação de renda confiável. BinaryOptionRobot: esta é uma das melhores opções disponíveis para os comerciantes. Sua tecnologia de algoritmo bem desenvolvido é a principal razão pela qual tantas pessoas abriram uma conta com a plataforma. FinTech Ltd.: Este Forex & amp; O software de negociação CFD possui um algoritmo de programação topnotch. É criado pelo renomado investidor Daniel Roberts e oferece aos usuários on-line a oportunidade de executar Reverse Trading, bem como ajustar o nível de risco de acordo com suas próprias preferências.

Robôs Forex - O que é a alternativa?

Os robôs Forex são um produto relativamente novo que se tornou proeminente em 2009. Esses algoritmos de negociação geralmente são desenvolvidos por comerciantes especializados em cooperação com programadores. Com as melhorias do poder de processamento, os robôs estão se tornando cada vez mais precisos e precisos.

No entanto, existem também várias outras soluções amplificadoras de lucro.

A melhor alternativa ao software de negociação é Forex & amp; CFDs trading brokers e sistemas de fornecimento de sinal. Não há absolutamente nenhuma chance de o primeiro ser considerado legítimo se não estiverem monitorados pelo CySEC ou pela MiFID. É por isso que eles são considerados mais legítimos do que plataformas.

O provedor de geração de sinal automatizado é um serviço para usuários de Forex que coloca investimentos através de suas contas de negociação. Isso não é semelhante à troca de cópias em que os negócios são executados em sua conta de negociação através de um link. Quaisquer contas que estejam vinculadas a uma conta de comércio de cópias executarão todas as trocas da conta mestre.

Robôs Forex com o melhor ranking deste mês:

Positivo & amp; Lados Negativos de Robôs Forex.

Como qualquer outra plataforma on-line baseada em software e algoritmo, os robôs de investimento Forex têm seus lados, recursos e características positivos e negativos. Vamos ver como eles vão:

100% Modo Automatizado Materiais Educacionais Interativos Webinars Ao Vivo Assessoria Profissional Suporte ao Cliente 24/7 Depósito Inicial Pequeno Interface amigável para usuários Fácil de operar livre para download de alto pagamento Gerenciamento de risco de recurso de paragem.

Exigir o suporte à conexão com a Internet, principalmente em inglês, envolve o risco calculado.

Como operam os robôs Forex?

Os robôs Forex operam usando algoritmos sofisticados, que constantemente analisam os dados atuais do mercado que poderiam ter uma reflexão sobre o movimento de ativos # 8217; preço.

A informação pode concernir e refletir eventos políticos ou econômicos, lançamento de um certo tipo de produto ou marca, etc. Pode ser basicamente sobre qualquer coisa que afete a maneira como as pessoas agem financeiramente.

Para começar com um, os comerciantes online precisarão se inscrever primeiro. O processo é absolutamente gratuito e não requer taxa. Os usuários só precisam digitar alguns detalhes básicos sobre si mesmos, como nome, endereço de e-mail e número de telefone. Então, aguarde uma confirmação nas caixas de entrada em que um link de ativação será incluído.

Depois disso, eles terão que abrir uma conta com um corretor comercial Forex e CFD da lista de produtos respeitáveis ​​e regulamentados que o robô oferece. A partir disso, os usuários são adquiridos para colocar um depósito inicial mínimo de US $ 250. É usado exclusivamente para financiar sua conta e não entra no bolso dos criadores do software.

Nossos pensamentos gerais.

Os usuários sempre devem se lembrar de manterem-se completamente informados. Os robôs Forex são, de fato, um meio legítimo para amplificar seus lucros na web. No entanto, às vezes a plataforma é uma fraude. Esta é a principal razão pela qual começamos a fazer nossos inquéritos e investigações exclusivos sobre diferentes sistemas, na base dos quais compilamos nossas avaliações exaustivas.

Somos uma equipe de jovens e ambiciosos especialistas em análise de investimentos e investimentos financeiros. Nossa experiência com Forex e CFD é de primeira mão e nos esforçamos para fornecer aos usuários a informação mais objetiva e realista. Os comerciantes de comentários encontrarão em Top10BinaryRobots são baseados em pesquisas aprofundadas e colocamos todo o conhecimento e habilidades neles. Tudo isso apenas para garantir investidores online # 8217; tempo e poupança. Esperamos que você os ache úteis, confiáveis ​​e divertidos!

Os robôs Forex que são seguros e confiáveis ​​realmente têm a chance de melhores usuários & # 8217; vida e fazê-los alcançar a liberdade financeira. Os investidores on-line não devem hesitar em abrir uma conta com eles.

Prossiga para o melhor robô Forex.

Visão geral do site Robot em destaque.

AVISO DE RESPONSABILIDADE: Todas as Informações, tais como Razões Vencedoras, Resultados e Testemunhos, devem ser consideradas como simuladas ou hipotéticas. Toda a informação neste site não tem como objetivo produzir nem garantir resultados futuros. Não há garantia de resultados específicos e os resultados podem variar.

RENÚNCIA DE RISCO: Opções Binárias de Negociação é altamente especulativa, traz um nível de risco e pode não ser adequado para todos os investidores. Você pode perder algum ou todo seu capital investido; portanto, você não deve especular com o capital que não pode perder. Você pode precisar buscar conselhos financeiros de terceiros antes de se engajar em negociação de opções binárias.

Bem-vindo ao FXProSystems!

Portal FXProSystems - um recurso com uma seleção de produtos de comércio livre, indicadores e diferentes consultores de especialistas na coleta, que levou alguns anos a prática comercial.

Sistemas de comércio livre.

Aqui incorporou um grande número de melhores sistemas e estratégias comerciais.

Uma seleção dos indicadores comerciais mais rentáveis.


Coleção dos melhores robôs comerciais automatizados.

Estratégias de opções binárias.

As melhores estratégias para negociação de opções binárias.

O que eu ofereço.

BO Simulator & # 8211; sistemas de teste e indicadores para opções binárias.

Binary Options Profit & # 8211; mais de 80% de ITM em opções binárias.

PZ Trend Trading & # 8211; lucro máximo da tendência.

Autor do site.

Olá. Estou feliz em recebê-lo no portal FXProSystems.

Meu nome é Daniel Alard. Já há mais de 10 anos, troco o mercado forex. Comecei com meu conhecimento com o forex em 2007. Mesmo assim, sou um jovem ambicioso sonhado em se tornar um comerciante de sucesso e ganhar independência financeira com a troca de ajuda. Mas não era tão fácil quanto eu pensava. No começo do seu caminho, eu estava muito enganado, mas, eventualmente, consegui realizar seu sonho e posso dizer com confiança que estou feliz.


Sempre a notícia tópica sobre o mercado Forex.

Assistir Forex TV diariamente irá ajudá-lo a moldar sua própria estratégia comercial, o que é vital tanto para os recém-chegados quanto para os comerciantes profissionais.

Como fazer (e perder) $ 2.000.000 Day Trading: The System & # 038; A história.

Eu tentei e não consegui escrever este artigo dez vezes.

Mesmo depois de terminar, pensei que era terrível. Na verdade, eu estava com medo de compartilhar a história. Eu enviei para um leitor que me perguntou sobre negociação. Ele respondeu:

& # 8220; É diferente da maioria que eu li porque não há besteira para tentar e olhar para o passado e todos os seus leitores apreciam isso. & # 8221;

Obrigado Garrett, aqui não vai nada:

Um tipo de introdução ao Day Trading.

Isto é sobre as lições que aprendi durante a negociação. As armadilhas que as pessoas caem e as formas como as pessoas se destroem. Há também o tempo que levantei dinheiro para um hedge fund. Então, meu sócio ganhou US $ 30.000 em US $ 2.000.000 em três meses. Só levou dois meses para virar $ 2.000.000 em praticamente zero.

Nós entraremos nos detalhes mais tarde.

Eu quero dizer comerciante como em "day trader". A partir do momento em que eu tinha 15-22, sentei na frente de 6 monitores de computador assistindo gráficos para cima e para baixo. Por que não estou fazendo isso agora? Eu não fiz o bilhão de dólares antes de bater 22.

Os comerciantes são únicos porque podem ser o único grupo de pessoas mais delirantes que empresários.

Eu digo isso com amor.

De acordo com os meus cálculos, não há motivo para não ter feito uma negociação de um bilhão de dólares. Não importa que 99,9% dos comerciantes sejam perdedores. Esqueça o fato de que 80% dos comerciantes estão deprimidos em homens de meia idade passando por sua crise de meio ambiente. (Eu vi um na biblioteca local ontem, ele parecia estar evitando sua esposa. Eu vi outro hoje na Starbucks, ele não comprou uma bebida e ele sentiu engraçado.)

Eu era a exceção. Eu ia receber o meu dia de pagamento de bilhões de dólares antes do meu 30º aniversário.

E eu realmente fui a exceção. Eu fiz um bom pedaço de dinheiro antes de parar. Eu tratava a coisa com respeito - e não com um esquema rico.

Isso quebra meu coração quando eu vejo as pessoas me contarem o comércio do dia e então vê-los depois de um boletim informativo de besteira ou algum treinador com um registro de fudged. Quando vejo alguém observando outro passo de vendas do algoritmo de FOREX ou babando sobre um relatório de penny-stock, eu só quero agitá-los e dizer que você tem potencial! Pare de se deixar escavar! Pare de se enganar!

Se você trocar sem a preparação adequada, você ficaria melhor em Las Vegas. Isto não é um exagero. Não só há bebidas gratuitas, senhoras sexy à procura de diversão, e uma seleção obscena do Cirque du Soleil mostra ... suas chances em praticamente qualquer mesa de cassino são melhores do que os mercados. Quero dizer isso, literalmente (como & # 8220; literalmente & # 8221; como definido por um dicionário) - você está garantido para perder dinheiro em qualquer período de tempo decente, a menos que você aprenda a negociar bem.

E então, mesmo assim que você estiver preparado e você sente que sabe tudo o que há para saber sobre os mercados, você ainda não está garantido para ganhar. Essa é apenas a natureza da besta.

É por isso que comecei a meditar às 16. O comércio é intenso. Na faculdade, eu ganharia $ 5000 no meio da aula e depois perderia $ 10.000 algumas horas depois enquanto assistia a um filme.

Esse tipo de coisa lhe dá uma perspectiva diferente sobre o dinheiro.

Uma última coisa antes de entrar na carne da postagem: como Garrett disse, isso provavelmente é diferente de qualquer outra coisa que você tenha lido na negociação. Por quê?

Não quero vender nada a você. Eu não me importo se você trocar ou não. Na verdade, quase prefiro que você não negocie ... a maioria das pessoas seria melhor passar a vida fazendo outras coisas. Atualmente não estou negociando. Eu verifiquei meus métodos e eles ainda funcionam, então a informação é atual, eu não estou gastando minha vida usando isso. O foco não está no método - embora eu lhe dê todos os detalhes sujos. Você precisa fluir como comerciante. Os principais hedge funds do mundo contratam matemáticos, físicos, meteorologistas ... eles estão constantemente mudando algoritmos. Como você compete com essas pessoas? Você não. Isso terá mais sentido depois. Eu não tenho nenhuma participação em você me ouvindo. De forma real: nada está à venda. Não vou te ensinar a trocar. As pessoas que ensinam as pessoas a negociar ou dirigir boletins informativos dando idéias comerciais ganham mais dinheiro vendendo suas idéias do que usar suas idéias. Todos eles têm suas próprias histórias sobre por que eles estão sendo tão generosos com seu conhecimento SECRETO, mas é touro. (Não que toda essa informação seja ruim, é só que você tenha que ter cuidado - não siga ninguém cegamente.) (Aguarde, então, quais são os meus incentivos para escrever isso? Eu só quero que você goste de mim - eu quero que você faça isso como eu e este artigo, tanto que você se inscreva para o nosso boletim informativo e eu posso escrever mais coisas. Além disso, eu estive pensando em escrever isso por muito tempo e eu tive que fazê-lo.) Eu não estou tentando convencê-lo de que o mundo está terminando.

Certo, é hora da carne e das batatas.

Carne e batatas? Ha! Você estará comendo ouro líquido com as informações que estou prestes a lhe dar! Sim, você também pode ser um Rich Kid of Instagram!

Apenas brincando, você provavelmente não fará nada com isso. (E isso é provavelmente uma coisa boa.)

Alguém fez $ 2,000,000 com essa informação. De verdade, eu assisti que isso aconteceu.

Antes de chegarmos a essa história, iremos passar por algumas das grandes armadilhas que os comerciantes novos (e experientes) se encaixam.

[Nota: Eu forneci os significados de algumas palavras, mas vou deixar o glossário para você, o Google e outros lugares na Internet que gostam de definir palavras mais do que eu.]

O que não fazer.

Por que começar com o que não fazer? Porque não fumar cigarros é mais saudável do que comer tudo orgânico. Porque se você perder todo seu dinheiro, a negociação torna-se um pouco impossível, não é?

"Você pode fazer muito, evitando o mal em vez de procurar o bem." - Paul Graham, fundador do Y-Combinator.

NÃO: use o dinheiro real antes de saber o que o inferno você está fazendo.

A regra # 1 de Warren Buffett em investir é manter seu capital. Ele diz que seus arrependimentos foram principalmente atos de omissão em vez de comissão. Isso porque ele não joga dinheiro em algo que ele não pensa que vai funcionar - e então ele sente falta de ganhar dinheiro com bolhas tecnológicas, mas não perde a bunda quando eles buscam. (Honestamente, Warren Buffett não é comerciante ... ele joga a longo prazo e não fez nada além de adquirir empresas maciças - ou grandes peças delas - por décadas ... ele é um dos melhores ganhadores de dinheiro do mundo, mas não alguém que lhe dará algo útil na negociação.)

O que isso significa para você? Comércio de papel antes de colocar qualquer um dos seus capital na linha. (O comércio de papel é quando você faz negócios com uma conta falsa. Há toneladas de plataformas que você pode usar para isso, usei a TD Ameritrade Think ou Swim).

Como você sabe quando começar a colocar dinheiro na linha? Quando um sistema provou a si mesmo.

Quando um sistema comprovado se provou? Para mim, um mês de negociação lucrativa (e um número estatisticamente significativo de negócios).

Isso infere o próximo NÃO:

NÃO: Comércio de dia sem um sistema / método.

Se você estiver trocando willy-nilly, você vai perder.

Eu nem sei exatamente o que significa willy-nilly, mas se você precisa perguntar se sua negociação se enquadra na categoria "willy-nilly", então pare de negociar corretamente * agora?

Você não é George Soros, você não consegue trocar seu intestino.

Você não precisa de um algoritmo executado em um supercomputador, mas você precisa de algum tipo de sistema que não o deixará ser um idiota.

Você vai dizer a si mesmo que não precisa de uma defesa contra ser um idiota. Você está sendo delirante. Acredite em mim. Eu me traí muitas vezes antes de me comprometer com meus sistemas. Você não ganha todas as vezes se seguir seus métodos, mas você faz muito melhor.

Como faço para criar um sistema?

Então, o que faz um bom sistema? Vamos entrar nisso mais tarde, quando eu mostrar o sistema exato que usei (não pular para ele, esta publicação será inútil se você fizer isso). Por enquanto, isso será útil quando se pensa em como abordar sua negociação:

Ataque. Ele diz exatamente quando e como entrar em um comércio. Talvez seja "3 dos 5 requisitos devem ser cumpridos para investir 1 ação, se 5 de 5 forem atendidas - 2 ações". Esta é uma linha de defesa emocional: a negociação irá fazer você pensar que você pode fazer um milhão de dólares hoje, isso é muito emocionante, você vai querer cumprir as regras. Warren Buffett só quebrou suas regras quando ficou entediado - note quando você está entediado. Se você acha que pode tirar proveito de mais oportunidades no mercado, altere seu sistema, teste-o e implemente-o. Lembre-se: não willy-nilly! Defesa. Ele diz exatamente como sair de um comércio. Isso significa parar de perdas. (Estas são ordens que automaticamente você tira de um comércio quando o mercado em que você está atinge um certo preço.) Uma regra comum é levar 50% de sua posição (seu dinheiro no mercado) em determinado ponto de lucro, talvez 100% talvez 68,2% (este é um número Fibonacci que é extremamente popular entre os comerciantes). Ele também define exatamente quanto de uma perda você está disposto a assumir um determinado comércio. Isso deve ser determinado antes de entrar no comércio. Se você não colocar uma perda de parada em seu cérebro irá justificar sua posição repetidamente para você, enquanto seu comércio esperançoso acaba perdendo sua casa (e sua família). Isso é ainda mais importante do que uma forte ofensa - não vá quebrar! Adicionando a uma posição. Às vezes você pode querer aumentar a sua posição à medida que o mercado se move a seu favor. Você precisa ter um conjunto de regras que determinem como você fará isso. Não o complique. Toda ferramenta parece tão poderosa, tão profética! No início, eu tinha o hábito de adicionar sinais de que eu iria envolver no meu sistema. Eu teoricamente eles deveriam melhorar sua negociação. Talvez seja para um físico de Harvard, não foi para mim. Quanto mais complexo eu fiz meu sistema, pior eu fiz, repetidamente. Eu começaria simples, estragávendo adicionando um monte de coisas que as pessoas recomendavam, então volte para a mesa de desenho. O melhor método que usei foi simples e morto (esse é aquele em que vamos chegar um pouco). Dê uma tonelada de espaço para o fracasso. Oito de dez negociações falharam para mim. Isso foi bom porque quando bati um vencedor ganhou grande. Mas se você estiver fazendo uma média de oito trocas de dez falhas, então será comum falhar 20 vezes seguidas. Eu passei por uma série de 40 trocas falhadas seguidas. Você deve poder sobreviver a esses. Minha recomendação seria arriscar 1% (ou menos) do dinheiro que você está disposto a perder em cada comércio. Isso lhe dá 100 chances de negociações falhadas antes de você ir no busto. Isso não deveria acontecer. (Claro que, quando eu tinha vinte anos, arriscava 10% em alguns comércios ... se eu fosse abatido, não era um grande negócio.) Tem que funcionar. Novamente, teste a maldita coisa. Se não fizer dinheiro falso, certamente não ganhará dinheiro real.

Há um tempo e um lugar para dar cautela ao vento e apenas ir para ele. O comércio é o pior lugar para esse tipo de besteira. A adrenalina que vem do potencial de perder milhares de dólares em um minuto é suficiente - sua missão é manter uma cabeça legal.

NÃO: Get Big Fast.

Se você fizer isso direito, você tem o potencial de ganhar muito dinheiro mais rápido do que qualquer outro método lá fora. (Excluindo empreendedores que são insanamente talentosos e simultaneamente insanamente sortudos.) O potencial - as chances são de que não será assim.

As chances são de que você vai perder dinheiro.

Ou você ganhará dinheiro, se sentirá como um deus, trocará como um deus e perderá todo o seu dinheiro.

Quando você coloca dinheiro real na linha, o jogo muda completamente novamente.

Você acha que testou seu método. Você passou no primeiro mês e tudo parece sólido. Ótimo.

Então você coloca dinheiro na linha. Shit fica real. Você não parece seguir o sistema como você fez no mês de teste. O mercado parece totalmente estrangeiro novamente.

Você não acredita em mim, está bem. Para você é diferente.

Eu não sei quantas vezes eu me disse isso. Eu sou diferente.

Não importa, você sentirá o mesmo que eu.

Para salvar um pouco de dinheiro, confie em mim, comece pequeno.

NÃO: negocie quando você é emocional.

Eu disse que comecei a meditar aos 16 anos. Não é porque eu estava entusiasmado por estar "no momento" ou que eu estava na filosofia oriental. Foi porque se não o fiz, não consegui trocar. Eu estragaria isso.

James Altucher fala sobre como ele criou algoritmos para cada um de seus métodos e, em seguida, deixá-los trocar por ele enquanto ele estava deprimido e perder tudo. Eu não era inteligente o suficiente para isso (e meus métodos inevitavelmente tinham algum nível de subjetividade para eles) e então eu entrei manualmente em todos os meus negócios. (Entrar em um comércio ou "colocar um comércio" ou "entrar em uma posição" significa que você está comprando (ou vendendo curto) em um mercado.)

James começou a trocar emocionalmente porque ele não estava realmente negociando.

Se fiquei emocional, ficaria bobo.

Você tem um sistema, então isso não deve importar. Mas isso importa.

Imagine isso: você acabou de passar o mercado de futuros de milho por 2 contratos. Você ganhou $ 5000 em uma troca em duas horas. Impressionante, certo? De jeito nenhum!

Isto é o que acontece nos dois lados (lado 1 e lado 2) do seu cérebro:

1. Eu quero tirar este $ 5000 da mesa agora, essa é uma ótima vitória.

2. Sim, mas olhe esse padrão - este poderia ser o grande comércio - isso poderia ser $ 100,000 se eu adicionar contratos.

1. Sim, mas é mais importante conservar o capital. US $ 5.000 é uma ótima vitória. Talvez eu pudesse tirar metade da mesa.

2. Não explodir. Isso é US $ 50.000 ...

1. Foda-se. O sistema diz vender agora.

2. Sim, mas o sistema não é perfeito. Você conseguiu de qualquer maneira - você pode mudá-lo. Você pode sentir isso!

1. Sim. Mas, o sistema ...

E então, mais ou menos. Eu disse "imagine", mas esse diálogo interno exato é algo que eu passei por vinte vezes por dia todos os dias por um longo tempo.

Quando eu fiz a escolha certa? (A escolha certa é seguir o sistema, não ganhar dinheiro. Muitas pessoas ganham dinheiro com um comércio de merda e depois pensam que têm algum talento especial ... é claro que eles se buscam no trimestre.)

Eu fiz a escolha certa quando eu deixar o motivo reinar.

Quando eu fiz a escolha errada?

Quando eu estava excitado ou assustado. Tanto o medo como a avidez o destruirão. (Avidez imediata que ultrapassa sua decisão racional - que tem uma ganância de longo prazo em mente.)

Já disse isso antes, mas é importante repetir:

A. Alguns dias, você se sentirá como um ser humano sem valor que fez e nunca fará algo que valha a pena. Você entrará em negociações que não é suposto porque tem medo de perder. Você abandonará os negócios antes de você, porque seu estômago é fraco.

B. No dia seguinte, você fará um comércio vencedor e se sentirá como um deus. Você esquecerá o que quer que tenha perdido e você fará negócios fora do seu método. Você entrará em negociações que não deve, porque tem a sensação de que não pode fazer o que é errado (o mercado pode validar você por alguns dias e piorar o problema). Você permanecerá em negociações por muito tempo porque você "sabe" que o mercado vai se transformar em seu favor - de jeito nenhum você poderia estar errado!

Suas decisões comerciais devem vir de números e regras predeterminadas. Depois de anos de prática deliberada e sucesso, você pode realmente ter uma sensação intuitiva para o mercado. Em seguida, comece a introduzir esses sentimentos em seus sistemas. Antes disso, de jeito nenhum José.

NÃO: negocie com base em algum sistema comprado ou boletim informativo.

Ouça, se alguém tiver uma maneira verdadeira de ganhar dinheiro, eles o vendem para um fundo de hedge ou usam eles mesmos. Eles não o vendem por cinco pagamentos fáceis de US $ 300.

Dito isto, existem alguns boletins informativos dignos lá fora. A carta James Dines é uma delas. Pode valer a pena se inscrever para um casal, mas não confie exclusivamente neles. Experimente com suas informações. Teste suas idéias contra seu método.

Não os sigam cegamente.

Pense nos incentivos no trabalho ... não há nada a seu favor.

(Isso significa, por sinal, não seguir o método abaixo sem testá-lo primeiro. Apenas para que você saiba, caso eu estivesse negociando ativamente agora, provavelmente não o teria compartilhado.)

NÃO: Fique preso em histórias.

se você vir essa imagem & # 8211; CORRE!

Seu sistema funciona ou não.

As pessoas planejarão narrativas elaboradas em torno de suas idéias que querem que você compre. Eles passarão incontáveis ​​horas a falar sobre isso e por que é o próximo passo para torná-lo um milionário.

Eles vão te assustar dizendo que você vai perder a próxima grande coisa. Eles vão te dizer que você precisa deles.

Você não. Você precisa de um sistema que funcione. Incorporar sua ideia no seu sistema se você acredita nisso, veja se ele realmente funciona. Se não, tire isso.

NÃO: comércio.

Esta não é uma piada. A maioria das pessoas não deve negociar. Se você não está disposto a dar tudo ao mercado, não vale a pena tropeçar. Faça o que Warren Buffett diz e coloque seu dinheiro no fundo índice Vanguard S & amp; P 500 e faça sua vida. (Ou investir em seu próprio negócio.)

Claro, tão terrível quanto o comércio é, também é fantástico para as pessoas certas. Até hoje, recebo uma sensação fuzzy calorosa quando vejo uma tabela de preços. Eu não estou brincando. Sinto-me em casa e vejo padrões e recebo o desejo de mergulhar ... Talvez eu volte a fazer. Quem sabe.

De forma real: você só deve trocar se você for extremamente atraído e se você pode se comportar racionalmente (enquanto permanece delirante).

Bem. Aqui está:

O método.

Eu estava no intervalo antes de entrar no meu primeiro ano de faculdade. Eu estava negociando, indo muito bem. Eu estava tendo uma boa manhã especialmente quando recebi uma mensagem de imagem no meu telefone. Foi uma captura de tela da conta de negociação do meu parceiro.

Algumas semanas antes, recebi um que disse US $ 250.000. Ele havia começado com US $ 30.000 apenas algumas semanas antes. Estava maravilhado.

Este dia, porém, não acreditava que fosse real. A imagem dizia: $ 2.000.000 (e altere, seja o que for). Esse foi um momento de "moly sagrado", para dizer o mínimo. Eu olhei para ele por um longo tempo.

Eu textei de volta, "Isso não é real".

Como isso aconteceu?

Como ele transformou US $ 30.000 em US $ 2.000.000 em três meses?

Bem, o método abaixo.

Mas também! (E isso é um "importante mas importante").

Ele era mais bolas na parede do que eu tinha visto alguém antes. Todo o lucro foi imediatamente jogado de volta ao comércio, então a posição dele se mostrou como louca. Na verdade, usei o termo "grampeado para a parede". Ele teve insana sorte. Veja a tabela abaixo abaixo? Você vê essa mudança maciça para baixo? Sim, ele conseguiu isso no topo e subiu diretamente para o fundo. (Ele tinha uma posição curta - o que significa que ele ganhou dinheiro à medida que o preço caiu). Ele possui poderes mentais.

Isso é um movimento! Ne.

Esta combinação acabou com perdas maciças nos próximos meses. Ele ainda terminou com um ótimo retorno de cinco meses ... mas você era um milionário por um mês e então não ... bem, dói.

Eu usei esse método com minhas bolas a cerca de um pé da parede e fiz grandes retornos. Eu quase dobrei minha conta pessoal em seis meses e então consegui arrecadar dinheiro com os investidores com esse histórico.

[Nota: Este método é especificamente útil para futuros de commodities, mas pode ser aplicado mais amplamente com certas modificações.]

Aqui está o que procuramos:

1. Multi-Year High or Low.

Este método exigiu consciência constante dos movimentos de preços, mas não de muita ação. Com este método, você provavelmente não estará fazendo mais de dois negócios por semana - muitas vezes você vai fazer uma semana a cada duas semanas. É também um pouco único em que estamos tentando detectar topes e fundos dos mercados, algo que a maioria das pessoas lhe dirá é suicídio: e # 8220 como pegar uma faca caindo e # 8221 ;.

Eu apenas procurei o gráfico de preços do milho Futuros em barcharts e achei que estava sentado em uma baixa de vários anos.

Este é um gráfico semanal (cada barra representa uma semana) para que possamos ver que nós perdemos o fundo na semana passada. Podemos ampliar para ver se isso nos apresentou uma oportunidade.

O primeiro é o mais simples, este é o primeiro filtro que eu uso para classificar os gráficos: é em vários anos ou baixo? Você pode ver isso rapidamente e ignorá-lo se a resposta for não. Se é então, vá para um olhar mais atento.

(Vou manter as abas em um monte de cartas sentadas nessas áreas enquanto espero que os outros requisitos sejam preenchidos).

2. Martelo, Morning Doji Star ou Castiçal Abandonado para Bebê.

[Nota: I & # 8217; não vou ficar muito técnico aqui & # 8211; exatamente o que você precisa para ter uma compreensão básica e começar. Eu recomendo que você leia tudo na Escola de estoque StockCharts & # 8217; se você tiver algum tipo de compromisso com isso. Os castiçais são apenas outra maneira de ver informações de preços em um gráfico. Uma barra vazia / branca significa que o preço fechou mais alto do que começou pelo período de tempo medido pela barra. Um vermelho é o oposto, o fundo da barra vermelha é o preço de fechamento. A área magro é a área total coberta pelo movimento de preços durante o período coberto pelo bar.]

A segunda coisa que eu procuraria é uma Morning Doji Star ou um Castiçal Hammer.

Um castiçal de martelo:

A Morning Doji Star:

Aqui está um bebê abandonado:

Tenha em mente que queremos esses padrões em vários anos ou baixa. De preferência com uma lacuna. Isso significa que, para o gráfico de milho acima, gostaríamos que o preço se abaixe abaixo onde ele é atual.

A diferença mostra um último impulso. Os dois candelabros mostram a consolidação dos movimentos de preços. Basicamente, o preço não era possível seguir através do & # 8211; sinalizando que esse movimento está fora do gás.

Agora, se você não vê um desses imediatamente, não o reduza totalmente. Verifique o terceiro requisito.

3. Os produtores estão do seu lado.

General Mills compra um shitton métrico de trigo. Eles movem esse mercado muito tempo. Seria bom saber o que as empresas como o General Mills estão fazendo para que possamos estar do seu lado, certo?

Sim. E nós podemos. E é muito incrível.

Agora, a General Mills e outros grandes produtores usam os mercados de futuros para proteger as flutuações de preços com mais freqüência do que a negociação com um lucro como nós. Portanto, não os tomamos com um grão de sal, a menos que estejam fazendo movimentos significativos.

As empresas que negociam sobre uma certa quantidade de contratos são obrigados a denunciar os negócios que eles fazem. Estes são coletados em relatórios denominados Compromisso de Relatórios Comerciais. Você pode obter esses relatórios aqui. Você pode obtê-los em uma forma mais útil (um gráfico) aqui.

Vamos ver um exemplo. Acabei de procurar um gráfico promissor de Soy Bean Futures:

Podemos ver uma grande baixa multianual (que é mais óbvia no gráfico semanal, note que isso é diariamente) e alguma consolidação. Ok, vamos ver o que os produtores estão fazendo, essas informações estão disponíveis para nós na linha vermelha no mini-gráfico abaixo do principal.

Nós podemos ver aqui (e aqui, apenas CTRL + F & # 8220; soy & # 8221; e você verá) que os produtores (a linha RED) ainda são soja significativamente baixa e eles não estão qualquer apressar para ficar comprido (& # 8220; get long & # 8221; significa comprar).

Por causa disso, não vou fazer um comércio, mas vou ficar de olho nisso nas próximas semanas para ver se uma instalação mais limpa surge. (A configuração basicamente significa que as caixas para o seu método estão marcadas.)

Queremos que os produtores façam um movimento significativo na direção do nosso comércio potencial. Aqui eu gostaria de ver um grande movimento em direção a zero.

[Este é um tópico fascinante. Confira Trade Stocks e Commodities com os Insiders: Secrets of the COT Report, it's # 2217's freaking amazing. E se o preço de US $ 40 parecer muito alto, reconsidere seriamente a negociação como uma opção.]

4. (Opcional: Para os insanos) Balls-to-the-Wall-Re-Buy.

My partner was able to make such insane returns because he caught a great run and leveraged it to the hilt. He put on a huge position and then used all the profits from each movement to make his position even bigger. That means you’ve got to hit a home run.

I honestly can’t recommend anyone do that. This method alone demands more risk than most (even though you can use mini contracts to take smaller positions). I played more conservatively and did well. When I trade again, I’ll trade even more conservatively. Capital is the first requirement for trading–without it you’re out of the game.

5. Stop-Loss.

You need to set a stop-loss immediately after entering your position. I would give different markets different leeway depending on how widely they fluctuated normally.

Corn might fluctuate 10 points daily on average while Crude Oil might fluctuate 20. I would give Oil more wiggle room ( not willy-nilly, mind you!)

The most important thing is that you set a stop loss with a loss that you can manage. It doesn’t matter how perfect a setup might appear, it could still lose money. You need to be prepared to take losers.

Ideally your stop loss is below the previous low. Sometimes you won’t be able to catch it that close, but if you can you’re golden. (You trade seeing more of a movement for taking on less risk.)

6. Managing the Trade.

Let’s say we get long Soy Beans. We’ve got our stop-loss right under the previous low.

Version #1: The market moves against us and takes out our stop (this means the stop-loss is hit and we are taken out of the trade, we are “flat”). This is the most common scenario.

Version #2: This is the more interesting version–the market moves in our favor! Yeehaw! We’re not out of the woods yet though.

Obviously we would love the market to take off in the direction of our trade and lead us to our fortune. If this happens then count your blessings and remember the feeling–because it won’t come often.

Even when we get a winning trade, we have to work with it. It will go up a while and then back down, then up and then down.

When we talk about “managing a trade” we are really talking about three things:

1. Adding to the position. We talked about this a little earlier. Essentially you can add to a position that’s working to double down. Say you get a strong movement in your favor, then it pulls back a bit to consolidate, you can add to your position to double-down on the move.

**2. Adjusting our stop-loss. This is the one you will use most often (as in every winning trade). I like to move my stop-loss to my entry price as soon as possible. This means that if that market moves against you then you still don’t lose any money. I will normally wait until there is a new solid level of “support” created and then move the stop loss up to this new level. A support level is a price at which there is resistance to the market moving below. This is usually created by a small pullback. Continue to adjust your stop losses as the market moves in your favor.

3. Reducing our position (taking money off the table). I alternated between taking 50% of my trade off the table when I had 100% and never reducing a trade unless I got out completely. Often taking 50% or 30% at a certain point is a good way to lock in trades, the only problem is that it limits your upsides.

4. Exiting. At certain reversal patterns I would exit a trade and not wait for it to hit a stop-loss.

how we used to trade.

Scary simple, right? (There are a few minor things omitted just for the sake of simplicity… these items decided most of the decisions.)

You probably noticed that I didn’t give you any examples of perfect patterns (if you go back and look at a more magnified version of the lumber one you’ll see a perfect setup). That’s because it takes a massive amount of work to find a great trade. I may have to look through 200 more charts before finding a decent setup.

If you’re really interested in this, go to BarCharts (or download a trading platform, I like thinkTDA) and look through every single commodity futures chart you can find. Look at a 5 year chart, then if one looks promising look at a 1 year chart, then a 6 month.

Keep a list of ones that look promising that you need to keep an eye on. Review these every day. Once a week review ALL the commodities again. When you find a good trade, make it on paper. Either literally with paper or with your program (again thinkTDA is awesome… I don’t even have an affiliate link for them, they’re not sponsoring this post… but now I kind of think they should :P). When you start to get good at it, dip a toe in with real money.

That’s 4 steps and a ton of time.

I was going to recommend more books for you to read but I’m not. If you want them in the comments I’ll offer some up but the important thing is for you to actually apply this knowledge first. Go and spend an hour looking at charts right now.

This post ended up being fairly long… but the topic is huge . I glossed over a lot of technical stuff on purpose. The goal here was to give you an idea of what it is to be a trader and an example of a method to begin using.

I’m happy to answer any questions you’ve got! Just put them in the comments below or email me.

Thanks for taking the time to read this! Let me know what you think - the good, the bad, the ugly - in the comments below.

I'm an entrepreneur (more in the StartupBros About Page ) in St. Petersburg, FL.

Very comprehensive and useful write-up. Obrigado.

Very helpful thank you.

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can i apply the same method on currency trading?…and which time charts is more suitable for this methods….

Do you think those techniques could be adapted to cryptocurrencies or that crypto is too volatile? Most coins don’t have multiyear charts because they haven’t been here for that long. What is your stance on that matter?

with the help of a recovery expert i was able to recover my money from IQoptions.

I recently recovered my initial investment from a scam broker. I had to resort to unconventional means to make this happen. I am open to share my experience. Feel free to reach out.

i suffered so much from this and lost over 200k so far and still now learning on my own and have not made a penny back rather i still lose.

i feel it si door close to even regain what i have lost and i have 4 kids and old is becoming my middle name any suggestion.

I have been scammed and scammed and scammed again. I invested with four binary companies and lost all of my investments totalling 290,000GBP. Then I was contacted by someone offering help – a company who specializes in binary recovery. Fui enganado por eles novamente. By the end of it all I had lost all of my savings and I was in serious debt. Eu estava desesperado por ajuda e isso me deixou vulnerável a golpes de recuperação. My husband is not around anymore and I have an 8 year old son with learning difficulties. A pressão de ser uma mãe única e trabalhadora com uma criança que precisa de muita atenção e apoio adicional tornou-se enorme para mim. I also felt too traumatized to trust anyone else and I was very afraid, but I had no choice other than to trust Geminihacks(dot)(com) They have been incredibly helpful and supportive and also very understanding about all of my fear and concerns they helped recover all of my funds back within a week using unethical means I feel quite , tremendously joyous about the decision to use Geminihacks (dot) (com). I really hope that others do not have to go through what I did, and I wish that I had realized before things were so bad that I was being scammed. Espero que a minha história possa ajudar os outros a não se deixar enganar do jeito que eu era.

Very solid article!

I use the COT reports quite often, and it is a helpful tool.

Sadly, not a lot of traders take it seriously. It is understandable, not a lot of traders are long-term speculators; everybody loves to day-trade, and for them it is useless. Again, Kudos on the article.

What about algos administered by the market maker of your broker’s affiliate company that trade against your trades. No mention of that here or how to avoid them. Probably because there is not and that is why none of you ended up making money in the end.

Hello, great honest article, and your absolutely correct about putting the time in. I’m thankful to be single with no kids. I had to disconnect my phone and stay off of social media just so I can put 8 to 10 hours a day studying..I wanted to ask you if you ever applied a similar method for Forex Trading? Obrigado.

Hi thanks for a well thought trading rules to go by! I’ve been trading stocks and now more into options and have doubled my money in 4 months. Like you said, having a set of rules are important and sticking to them until the end. It is harder to do because we’re emotionally driven all the time. Keep the fire going. Obrigado pelo seu tempo!

YLAN, are you day trading options or intermediate swing or longer term options or hedging them?

Good, solid advice. I’ve been trading oil futures for several years and your post is spot on. Muito útil. Obrigado por tomar o tempo. Sticking to a basic plan that works and not getting emotional is a must. Irrational exuberance over “wins” or depression over losses will only lose you money.

I’ve had a rough go. I’d love to learn how to trade. Read your article…alot of good information. I wished I could just give you my money and close my eyes and hope you make some kind of magic when my eyes open.

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Melhores Brokers de Opções Binárias 2017 | Principais sites de negociação binária.

As Binary Option trading has become more and more popular, the question of which brokers can be trusted to invest your hard-earnt money has become more and more pertinent. In today’s article, our expert trader Michael Allen, assesses the various options on the market, and recommends, which brokers are most likely to make you money in 2017.

Como o robô de opção binária pode mudar sua vida? Veja isso!

Binary options brokers the facts!

The rapid emergence of new trading platforms has meant that there are now well over 400 trading platforms available on the market. There are several great Binary Option Robot providers and Option Signals providers that can help you to make money. The rapid expansion of binary option robots has led to the establishment of a number of trusted regulatory bodies. Technological advances have led to a long list of brokers, offering user-friendly platforms, along with a whole host of other alluring benefits. Countries, such as the U. S.A have places certain restrictions on some brokers, meaning that clients may end up being disappointed.

Órgãos reguladores.

There is no one catch-all Regulatory Body, for binary options brokers, instead it is done on a territory by territory basis. These come in the form of watchdogs, who ensure that brokers are held to the highest possible standards. The most respected of these come within the European region, with The CySEC [Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission], being especially well-respected.


Como Ganhar Dinheiro com Robô de Opção Binária.

How to Choose the Best Broker.

How we asses Binary Option Brokers.

Diverse Asset Base: any broker trading a small number of Binary Options, is unlikely to make a large amount of profit, for a number of different reasons. Thus, we only recommend brokers offering you a wide range of trading options. Binary Options Types: the best brokers offer a lot of binary options variants. We only recommend brokers with features such as: Options Creator, One-touch Options or even Short-term Options. Depositing Options: trading firms who accept a wide selection of deposit methods are usually easier to get started with. This variety also makes it easier to take your money out, once you start earning.

Financial Stability: It is vital that your broker maintains a healthy balance sheet, or you may end up losing your money. We only recommend well-established brokers who are much more reliable than smaller firms or startups. Profitability: we recommend brokers that offer higher payout rates, as this allows you to make the most of all your transactions. Cash-out Options: it is crucial that brokers pay out promptly, as not doing so is a red flag. We only recommend brokers that release your funds within two days or less.

Comparação de corretores de opções binárias.

A decisão mais importante ao negociar em opções binárias é escolher o intermediário certo para negociar. It is extremely crucial to select a high quality broker to be able to access all the benefits of the binary trading features. Various factors have to be considered in order to determine which of the top binary options dealing platforms are worthy of association. Listed below are the comparative attributes for the major binary options brokers:

Diverse Asset Base: There are always better prospects and more options that can help you boost your profits when you trade with many currency pairs. The number of trading options available at that juncture becomes a very important factor. Binary Options Types: In comparison to mainstream brokers, the best brokers typically offer a lot more binary options variants. Recursos como Opções Criador, Opções de um toque ou mesmo Opções de curto prazo são cruciais para atrair comerciantes binários. Depositing Options: Trading firms that accept a wide selection of deposit choices are usually easier to get started with, all the while being readily accessible to more clients. This is ideal for traders as a platform that offers better payment and cash-out options is preferable over others.

Financial Stability: It is definitely important for your broker to maintain a clean business standing. Os corretores bem estabelecidos geralmente são muito mais confiáveis ​​quando comparados com empresas menores ou iniciantes. Rate of Profitability: The reason why you should opt for brokers that offer higher payout rates is to make themost out of all your transactions. Considerando que diferentes corretores de opções binárias oferecem diferentes valores de rentabilidade, você deve selecionar corretores com altas taxas de pagamento e taxas de pagamento. Cash-out Options: It is fundamentally appropriate that brokers should be quick and prompt when making payments. As empresas que pagam dentro de dois dias ou menos são frequentemente recomendadas.

The Best Binary Brokers Of 2017.

Armed with the comparative tips listed above, you should feel completely confident to sign up with our recommended list of brokers. These brokers were tested, regulated, licensed and approved for each of the territories listed. All you have to do is to navigate to the appropriate territory, select a broker, sign up and begin trading.

There are two regulatory bodies that oversee the United States binary market: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission [CFTC] and the National Futures Association [NFA] that were established to regulate all the trading activity conducted online within the United States, including in the Binary Options field. While it is not illegal for any listed Binary Options brokerage to trade with US traders, any disputes that may arise between brokers and traders will have to be legally resolved only in the US which usually leads to substantial costs to the broker, possibly resulting in hefty fines and/or penalties.

This fact combined with the attendant regulatory restrictions have led to the creation of two unique groups of Binary Options brokers that accept traders based in the United States. The first group comprises of offshore brokers who are not regulated by either the CFTC or the NFA whereas the second group comprises of brokers who are regulated by one of the two regulatory bodies.

Here are the three brokers that we recommend using if you are trading from the United States, be warned, other brokers operating in this market have been found to be unscrupulous.

Best Binary Option Brokers in the U. K.

UK traders are some of the luckiest traders around: they are allowed to trade with any online broker without restrictions and being members of the EU, they are covered by all brokers regulated by the Financial Conduct Association (FCA) of the UK as well as the Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) based in Cyprus.

That being said, it is still advisable, for British traders to do as much research as possible, to avoid being scammed by an unscrupulous broker. Here is the list that we have compiled of the best U. K. brokers of 2017:

Best Binary Option Brokers in Australia.

Binary options trading is becoming ever more popular with Australian traders. This increased popularity has led to the tapping of ASIC [Australian Securities and Investments Commission] as the supervisory authority of this sector.

It is possible to trade offshore, however, any trader doing so would need to consider the exchange rate factors because of the fluctuations that arise due to funding your account in other currencies besides the Australian currency.

Here are the three brokers that we recommend that our Australian readers use:

Best Binary Option Brokers in Canada.

Online trading is legal in Canada and each of the country’s provinces has its own trading regulator. There is no overall watchdog to regulate trading compliance or to license brokers. Nonetheless, one that comes close to being an all-round regulator is the IIROC [Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada].However, the IIROC can only set and enforce laws that apply to the Canadian securities and trading markets but not the firms operating in the online world. Therefore, trading in binary options is allowed countrywide.

There are several tested and approved brokers under both regulated and unregulated categories that are suitable for Canadian traders. With regard to this, we have shortlisted a few brokers who provide appropriate support, banking options, and other services that are appreciated from respected brokerage services.

Best Binary Option Brokers in Europe.

Some of the luckiest traders are found in Europe when it comes to binary options trading. The CySEC [Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission] was one of the first regulators to supervise industry brokers. This regulatory approach also factored in the MiFID [Markets in Financial Instruments Directive] component which states that brokers licensed by the CySEC are allowed to trade in all member states of the European Union.

This means that all brokers regulated by the CySEC can accept traders from any country within the European Union. Being the predominant regulatory body for binary options, the CySECgives European traders a multitude of choices. There are no restrictions pertaining to trades with offshore brokers either, which makes Europe the world’s best binary options marketplace – an open floor with a vast number of choices for traders.

The best brokers trading in the European zone all come highly recommended following our rigorous analysis:

The Indian financial market including the trading in the financial instruments is regulated and governed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). SEBI formulates the governing rules for all the brokers operating within India. Currently, there are no formulated rules and regulations for binary options trading. So, if you are an Indian Resident you have several choices of brokers for binary options trading.

Best Binary Option Brokers in Dubai.

The Dubai market is one of the fastest growing markets for binary options brokers. The Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) which is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) is the major regulatory body allowing financial transactions in the UAE. The financial market is further regulated by other authorities like the Ministry of Economy Planning, The Central Bank of the UAE, and the Emirates Securities and Commodity Exchange.

The recent past has seen some major fluctuations in the financial market and many traders from the UAE believe that these fluctuations are favorable for them. Another distinct advantage for UAE traders is that their financial market operates from Sunday to Thursday, allowing them to operate on weekends.

Many certified financial advisors in the UAE have advocated binary options trading due to thefavourable market conditions. Our in-depth analysis suggests that the following brokers are the best options for UAE traders:

Binary options trading is very popular in the South Africa and has seen exponential growth over the last few years. The Financial Service regulator namely Financial South Africa (FSB)is the prime authority for the financial dealings in the region. The sub-authority under FSB, the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAISA), is responsible for all the securitized transactions including binary options trading.

Traders should know that binary options trading is completely legal in the region, however, the lack of specific regulations regarding the binary options broking means there is no specific broker local to South Africa, meaning that South Africans have to use international ones. Our detailed analysis of the available options leads us to recommend well-regulated brokers, within the European area, the best market for Binary Options:

Binary Options trading has become very popular in New Zealand, despite its relatively small size. The selection of right trading partner is vital before commencing the binary trading journey, and the most important aspect one should consider is the regulations being followed by brokers. In this respect, the New Zealand tops many of the large countries as the New Zealand authorities were first amongst others to come up with a regulatory authority.

The Financial Market Authority (FMA) is a government body which regulates the financial instrument trading along with enacting rules and regulations for binary option brokers. The FMA imposes stringent guidelines which brokers must follow to continue holding a license and any violation on part of the broker attracts heavy penalties and sometimes even the termination of the license.

There are very few brokers in the country who are regulated by the FMA, meaning that we recommend using, well-regulatedInternational Brokers. The best regulators are within the European region, which is why we recommend using these brokers:

Binary options trading is emerging as one of the most popular trading options in many Asian countries, proving to be especially popular in the Philippines. Though there aren’t strict regulations like there are in developed nations, there are rules and regulations in place in the country to safeguard the trader’s interest.

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Philippines is the agency which lays out rules and regulations for financial instrument trading. The commission ensures that the interests of their citizens are safeguarded.

We recommend that citizens of Philippines enrol with foreign brokers who are regulated by well-known authorities like Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom or the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission of the European Union. The international brokers have earned their reputation by well-laid processes, excellent service standards, timely pay-outs, and above all, superior customer service.

Here are the two brokers, which we recommend for traders from the Philippines:

Best Binary Option Brokers in Malaysia.

The Malaysian financial trading community is protected by the two government agencies, the Securities Commissions of Malaysia and Bank Negara Malaysia. As with other Asian countries, binary options trading has emerged as one of the most popular ways of trading financial assets. However, our research suggests that there is no binary options broker from Malaysia. Currently, the binary options brokers have targeted their focus on the Europe and Australia. The unavailability of local brokers does not mean that Malaysians cannot trade binary options, as there are several good international options, for them to use.

Following a thorough analysis of the brokers available, we are happy to recommend that our Malaysian readers choose one of the following brokers, both of whom are well-regulated and well-established within the arena.

Best Binary Option Brokers in Russia.

Russia has emerged as one of the fastest growing binary trading community in the world. Russians are able tolegally signup with binary option brokers and trade: this is illustrated by the fact that established players offer Russian language sections on their websites. This means that everyone, from beginners to seasoned professionals can trade and make profit.

The government of Russia allows its citizens to trade in binary options. This offers several choices for the Russian traders to choose from, the best two being:

They can enrol with the locally regulated brokers They have the option to enroll themselves with the international brokers who are well regulated by the foreign authority.

As always, our efforts are directed towards providing a complete picture of the various brokers available. If you are a binary trader from Russia and looking for a broker who is regulated by foreign authorities, then we recommend the following two brokers:.

OptionRobot Broker Review.

For many traders, finding the right broker is of utmost importance. Finding an automated broker with proven signals and a high winning rate is almost godsend. If you have been on a lookout for one without success this far, you are currently at the right place. Option Robot is relatively a new broker though it is not easy to tell judging by its popularity among both experienced and inexperienced traders.

Vastly different from an ordinary broker, Option Robot is a fully automated trading system and you don’t need to possess any previous experience in Binary options to join the game and start earning. With a completely secure and accredited banking system, you can be assured that your money is safe at all times. Also, the fast withdrawal processing ensures that you get your money when you want without any additional hassles. As you read further, you are about to find out that there is much more to this exemplary broker-cum-trading software.

The Option Robot has some of the best and most accurate signals you will find in any broker. It is known to generate trading signals with proven winning rates of above 83% – which are then used to place trades on your behalf depending on the settings and preferences defined by you.

With signals this accurate, you can be assured that all your trades almost always expiring In the Money despite the limited market experience you may have.

Sistemas de negociação.

Option Robot offers 3 binary options trading systems to help you manage your investments as per your preference.

These systems made available by Option Robot are:

Classic System: This is regarded as the safest and most secure system with the least risk. With this system, the investment for all your trades will be equal. While it may seem favorable due to low risk, it should be noted that the profit margins are also limited.

Martingale System: The martingale system is more widely used in Forex trading but that does not mean it is not applicable to binary options. Basically, with this system, the investment amount is gradually increased after a loss until a profit is made after which it goes back to the original amount. The risks here are slightly higher, but so are the profits. It is a great choice for traders who are looking to make quick profits.

Fibonacci system: The Fibonacci or Fib as it’s popularly known is the most accurate system with straightforward win or loss probability. For each forex pair, a sequence is calculated based on its up-trends or downtrends over an expiry period thus determining its resistance and support levels. This helps choose the right direction to follow thereby, substantially reducing or completely eliminating the chances of losing trades.


With Option Robot, there is no shortage of indicators to choose from as several of them available as listed below:

Depending on your preference, you can choose one or more of the indicators to help you in your trading. If two or more are selected, then they will have to have the same signal for the system to place a trade. For instance, if the MACD and Williams indicators are selected, they will both have to give the same indication to the system for a trade to be made. For a call trade, both the indicators will have to indicate the same for the signal to be generated and a Call option traded. No trade can be completed when the indicators have different signals – probably a way to reduce the risks to the traders. Definitely a clever strategy there.

For any questions and/or inquiries regarding your experiences using the system, you can get help by sending an email to contactoptionrobot and an Option Robot agent will get in touch with you at the earliest. However, the response may not be as quick as you need it; presumably due to the large volume of emails they receive every day.

However, you may want to look through the FAQ section for answers and clarifications. Perchance you just might find your particular question(s) clearly answered there. Additionally, there is an interactive blog in operation which contains significant information related to user experiences which may be of help to you. Apart from sending an email, there are no other contact options currently which can either be attributed to the fact that it’s a new site or a poor customer service policy. We can’t jump into conclusions this early so we will give them the benefit of doubt.


Opening an Option Robot account is a simple process that will take just a few minutes of your time at the most. To sign up, click our Open FREE Account button and select the Join Now tab to start the process. You will then be required to provide your personal details like name, email, phone number and country of residence – that’s all!

To start trading, make a deposit (you can do this through credit card or bank wire transfer) and click on the “Auto Trade” tab on the interface which will require you to set the assets you want to trade in, the expiry times and amount of investment per trade; the Option Robot software does the rest.

You may also choose from the several popular and regulated Compatible Brokers available such as GOptions and Banc de Binary. This selection of some of the best brokers in the business shall save you the hassle of searching for a trustworthy broker through a ‘Trial and Error’ method (something you would most definitely want to avoid for the sake of your sanity).


Option Robot, founded by professional Forex and binary options traders is surely an industry game changer. It significantly takes away the need for experience or knowledge of charts and trend lines making it a popular choice for new traders who form the majority these days.

The free software combined with the easy sign up option is clever idea and will benefit the traders who are not interested in downloading or paying for software which makes it almost all of us or at least close to it.

To an experienced trader, the customizable nature of the system and range of trading systems are enticing additions to consider. Option Robot is a broker site you should try if you haven’t already laid your hands on it.

Get the Option Robot for free by clicking on the button below and start trading instantly!

AutomatedBinary Broker Review.

Automatedbinary software is the newest in the market and a lot of people are curious to know if it is as trustworthy as it looks or if it is another of those fraudulent sites found abundantly. It is not every day that we review new software as most of them are outright scams anyway. However, in the case of Automatedbinary, a full review was very necessary to clear the air considering that public opinion is somewhat divided.

Automatedbinary is an automatic trading software which collects market data, analyzes it, generates signals and executes trades on behalf of the trader. The software uses a great variety of indicators, which are very popular in other financial markets, to produce trading signals. Looking at the verified ‘In The Money’ trades percentage which is 81%, we can say that this attention to detail in the generation of signals works perfectly well.

From the overview, Automatedbinary is the best software in terms of trader freedom as it entrusts all the major and minor functions to the traders themselves. Traders get to choose which assets to trade in, how many simultaneous trades at a time, the amount to be invested in every trade and the indicators to be used. Truth be said, not many sites offers traders this extent of control over the system but then again, not every software is Automatedbinary.

As it should ideally be, the software is free and completely web based – forget about the security hassles and storage issues that are associated with downloading software. An additional security feature is that the robot will not place any trades while the trader’s connection is off. This means that traders are required to have their connections on at all times for the robot to function. Not really much convenience for traders who are off the grid but it is a great way to check that traders are in control of their trades at all times.

While it is always a good idea to sign up for the real account and start trading right away, it may not really appeal to everyone especially if the software is new, like Automatedbinary. Thus, to help traders acquaint themselves with the software and to help amateurs acquire some trading practice with no monetary risk, Automatedbinary offers a simulated or demo version. This version is free and open to all; every trader (even a non-trader) who signs up for it gets $50k virtual cash to invest. This money comes with no restrictions – well, apart from the very obvious no withdrawal policy – and can be traded in whatever way the trader wishes.

For anyone who wants to check out the nuances and experience what Automatedbinary has to offer, we recommend using the demo version first. With that, there are zero risks to your real cash and you can leave any time without complications if the software does not function to your liking. While at it, it is wise to not completely trust everything that you see on the demo including the number of wins as a true reflection of how the software works. Note that this is stimulated trading and most sites resort to displaying a multitude of things to advertise their systems in good light.

Automatedbinary generates signals based on the following market indicators:

Trend Indicator MACD CCI RSI (Relative Strength Index) Williams Indicator Stochastic Oscillator.

Each indicator is good on its own but works better when combined. This is because each has its own shortcomings and combining several, and even all of them, makes up for any shortcomings. In addition to that, combining all the indicators will produce strong and top quality signals which will lead to higher success rate.

Another special feature of Automatedbinary is that the robot’s trading modes are tailored to every trader’s likes and preferences. As such, there is the Classic method, a favorite of newbies mostly because it carries lower risks and guarantees consistent wins although with lower payouts. Then, there is Martingale, sometimes referred to as the Compound method, which keeps on multiplying the investment on every trade after a loss until a successful trade occurs. This method is regarded as the most profitable but comes at a higher risk of losing all the investments. The last method is the Fibonacci, which is based on mathematical patterns built around the idea that market trends keep repeating themselves over time.

Usually, traders get to select their preferred method from among the three. The choice is not permanent and can be changed whenever the trader feels he/she is ready to trade using a different approach.

Getting started with Automatedbinary is extremely easy. After navigating to the website and clicking on the sign up tab, you will need to provide your name and address (both phone and email). Next, you will have to create a password and customize your account. To begin trading, you must select a broker; use the links provided to get to the broker’s site and open an account. You will be able to trade after making a deposit and clicking on the Auto Trade function. However, you don’t have to start trading right away and instead, head to the demo version first.

When it comes to the conclusion, the logical question is whether Automatedbinary a scam. Being a new system, we can’t really confirm that it’s completely legitimate but from what we have seen, heard and experienced, the software is as real as they come. For lovers of short term options, Automatedbinary has quite a lot to offer. Those who prefer long terms options too are bound to be benefited. The listed brokers too are quite good. Very good in fact! Renowned brands like Stock pair, BinaryTilt and Binary among others make appearances here.

No prestigious broker would risk its reputation by associating with a fraudulent site so this serves as strong indications that Automatedbinary is an honest site. Additionally, there are no tell-tale signs of usual scams such as paid actors enacting the role of traders and neither are there any exaggerated promises of gaining quick wealth. We can therefore confirm that this is one of the best binary options trading systems we have tried in a long time.

Get the Option Robot for free by clicking on the button below and start trading instantly!

Finpari Broker Review.

It is no secret that the binary market has been experiencing a massive growth over the past few years. This cut-throat competition has made it really difficult for new brokers to make establish themselves as major industry players. Breaking this mould, though new, Finpari has created waves in the brokerage platform.

Despite the fact that it’s a relatively new broker, Finpari has managed to make a name for itself with its quality products and sophisticated services. In fact, there is no considerable difference in quality between Finpari and other brokerage platforms that have been there for the last 7 years. The platform is now a well-known brand within the binary market. It features a wide range of assets along with a unique array of options to suit all types of traders.

Finpari was founded as recently as 2014 but it has already extended its services to the entire world. And when we say all around the world, we do mean it: the platform accepts clients from Europe, Russia, United States and many other countries. That is not the end of it: Finpari comes with other awesome features like 1 hour withdrawals. We recommend our readers to stay tuned as we uncover more interesting attributes about the platform. Make sure you keep reading!

Background Information.

The company is owned and operated by LeronaImpex, a financial provider whose headquarters is located in 306 Premier Building, Albert Street, Seychelles. Since inception, Finpari has exhibited exemplary quality in its services. As a result, in has won a number of awards like “Best Binary Website 2014 & 2015” and Best Finance Website 2016.”

Speaking of the webpage, Finpari’s official site demonstrates the highest level of efficacy. It’s quite easy to navigate through their homepage – you don’t have to fumble your way around. The broker has clearly displayed the relevant add-on buttons including the necessary features. Other brokerage platforms should follow suit by adopting the user-friendly design exhibited by Finpari.

We can’t forget to mention the overall professionalism displayed by the broker. One thing that is worth noting is the fact that Finpari’s website does not bombard visitors with loud letters that beg for attention. The colors and overall layout are quite conformable and pleasing to the eye.

Plataforma de negociação.

A review about Finpari won’t be complete without mentioning the overall trading platform that has been flawlessly designed to meet the needs of various types of traders. There’s a saying within the binary market which states that you can tell a good broker by its trading platform. This is one of the biggest strengths of Finpari. Powered by SpotOption, Finpari offers a top notch trading experience.

Considering that the minimum trade required is only $1, users are given the opportunity of exploring valuable resources at a low cost. The platform features more than 60 tradable assets which are divided into 4 categories: currencies, stocks, special commodities and indices. It also features 7 different modes of trading to ensure that every investor is presented with the possibility to identifying what fits best within his or her trading needs.

Available Options.

Standard options: It simply allows traders to predict whether the price of an underlying asset will go up or down within a specified period of time. Standard options expire with a payout rate of 83%. Pairs: This option allows traders to compare two assets and eventually pick out a single winning asset. Long term assets : These are ordinary trading assets; the only different aspect is that they have a longer expiry period. Sixty Seconds : Again, the difference here is in the expiry period which ranges from 60nano-seconds to 5 minutes. One Touch : This is the highest yielding option with a 500% payout rate. Traders are supposed to predict whether an underlying asset will touch a predetermined level.

Account Types and Promotions.

When you open an account initially, you will be welcomed with a bonus promotion that ranges from 20% to 100%. The first three trades are also offered within a risk free policy. Another promotion that traders need to look out for is the Fixed Income Account. This is a novice account that offers boundless opportunities. Other trading accounts include:

Bronze Account : This is basically the smallest account type that requires traders to deposit amounts ranging from $250 to $999. Account holders can enjoy a welcome bonus, a demo account plus a trading course. In addition, traders can withdraw their payouts within an hour.

Silver Account: This feature requires a minimum deposit of $1000. The highest deposit is stated at $2999. Silver account holders can enjoy a 50% welcome bonus, a master class web session plus the benefits received in a Bronze account.

Gold Account : This is the most senior level account that comes loaded with a 100% bonus, access to an individual account manager plus the benefits received in a Silver account.

Fixed Income Account : This is quite different from most trading accounts. Additionally, in order to be an account holder, you need to be an active client of Finpari. The invested capital is personally managed by well trained staff members. The account features a 10% payout rate along with security on the invested amount. This means that regardless of the market behaviors, clients are guaranteed of their initial investment.

Mobile Platform.

Investors who want to trade on-the-go can utilize the mobile platform. Finpari is compatible with both the Android and iOS devices. The mobile platform comes loaded with features like regular binary options, one touch and the 60 second options. It also features relevant chats and a portfolio that allows investors to view their trading history.

Getting Started With Finpari.

If you want t be part of this impressive platform, all you need to do is fill some basic information such as name, email address and preferred currency. If you do agree with the terms and conditions stated by Finpari, you are good to go.

Those who are not conversant with trading options can take advantage of Finpari’s education center. Their education facility features helpful video lessons that are extremely versatile.

Pensamentos finais.

From their professionalism to their wide range of services, there is no doubt that Finpari is emerging as a major industry leader. If you’re looking for a broker that will offer you an exceptional trading experience, Finpari is your go-to service provider. Thumbs up Finpari!

Robô de opção binária.

In the binary options marketplace, the broker is one of the most essential players. This is because brokers hold the trading accounts of traders and they are responsible for the provision of signals, handling deposits, making payments and generally looking for the best solutions in the binary options marketplace to allow the trader to maximize his profits. Binary Option Robot is the leading broker in the binary options business today and this is why:

1.Rate of return: Why do traders venture into the binary options marketplace? They are looking for ways to make the highest returns from the lowest investment. With Binary Option Robot, this expectation is met as a broker can achieve the best rate of return in the binary options business today. With a proven 83% return on investments, traders who retain Binary Option Robot as their preferred broker have every reason to be proud. This is because they are receiving the highest ROI from their investments as compared to other brokers in binary options trading.

2.The trading platform: Binary Option Robot is an advanced trading platform which is user friendly and matches all the expectations from a top broker in the industry. Using sophisticated algorithms and professional traders who analyze all the market data available on various trading assets and indices, Binary Option Robot provides signals of the highest quality. These signals are what actually help traders to make winning trades. With an accuracy rate exceeding 80% all the time, you can be assured that 8 out of every 10 trades you make with this broker will all be winning trades. This is what makes Binary Option Robot the leader in this field.

3.Trading assets: Binary Option Robot does not limit the assets you can trade with to a selected view. With this broker, the range of assets you can trade with is quite wide. Whether you want to trade in currency pairs, commodities, stocks or indices, Binary Option Robot has a wide variety of each which translates to the fact that you will always find your favorite assets on every trading session. This allows you to maximize the trading opportunities that come with your favorite assets.

4.Customer support: At Binary Option Robot, customer support is taken very seriously. They recognize the fact that the satisfaction of their clients is an integral part of the success of both the trader and the broker. For this very reason you can be assured of receiving the best support in the business as a trader. With a support system that works all around the clock, you will have the channels of phone, live chat and email all open and ready to respond to your queries.

5.No downloads: Binary Option Robot does not need you to download software that needs to be updated time and again. The system is completely web-based – you log in from your browser from anywhere and you are ready to trade. This saves lots of time apart from relieving you off the worry that the software may become outdated while you are still trading which may make you miss out on new features. This system is constantly being upgraded and every time you log in, you can be sure that you will be trading on the current update at all times.

6.Bonuses: Trading with binary options is not so tricky. When you have a broker like Binary Option Robot, the more money you have to trade with, the higher are the profits. This becomes even better with all the bonuses that this broker provides. The joining bonus as well as other varied bonuses that you will be given once you start trading are added benefits. This increase in trading deposit will only mean that you will be making huge profits all the time.

7.Training and technical tools: Every good broker offers to traders the most advanced technical tools to aid them maximize their profits. Traders who have Binary Option Robot as their broker can utilize tools such as trading charts, asset information, and many more technical tools which shall enable them to have the best trading experience. At Binary Options Robot, traders will also have the opportunity to transform themselves into better traders as they are provided with the best training tools in the market. These include eBooks, webinars, videos, trading charts, and manuals.

8patibility with modern devices: Gone are the days where you had to be seated in front of your personal computer at home or at work to carry-out trades. Today, any broker worth his salt will have his system operating on all modern devices. Binary Option Robot’s software is compatible with your laptop, tablet or smart phone. You can trade anywhere and at any time, as long as you have an internet signal.

Get the real robot – binary option robot for free by clicking on the picture below and learn how to make money while you sleep!

24Option Review.

Of the many brokers in the online forex and stock markets, 24Option is one of the most respectable establishments. Their reputation spans global traders form all over the world operating trading accounts with this broker. This elevated stature stems from their good service as well as from being one of the most proactive brokers you will find today. Additionally, they are preferred by many traders due to the many incentives that they offer to their account holders.

Based in Cyprus, 24Option is a registered binary options broker that has been in operation for a number of years. The Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CYSEC) regulates this broker under license number 207/13. Currently the broker is under the management of Rodeler Ltd, a holding company, since 2014. The company CBAY Financials previously managed and owned this brokerage firm. Additionally, 24Option is a member of the respected the Investment Compensation Fund offering up to €20,000 protection.

24Option has carved a niche for itself when it comes to the trading engine where this software is anchored. Their hand-picked Tech Financials’ engines are highly innovative apart from being secure and user friendly. Traders dealing with 24Option make use of a smooth, easy to use platform to conduct their binary options trades. Most of the other brokers still use Tradologic and SpotOption.

New Technology.

The nature of modern technology demands that all services offered by binary options brokers and indeed all binary options players are made available on multiple devices with the same level of quality and accessibility. 24Option is not lagging one bit in this department. Their website is fully optimized for all mobile devices including smart phones and tablets. This allows traders to conduct their traders on-the-go rather than having to be physically seated in-front of their PCs as was the case previously.

What Types of Trades are Offered by 24Option Brokers?

24Option offers to traders’ 4 options to choose from. These trades are as listed below:

One Touch binaries: Here you will find Touch/No Touch trades and High Yield Touch Binaries Classic Binaries: Here you will find predictions that are of the high/low and above/below kind.

Boundary Binaries: The trades here are of Standard Yield and the High Yield Boundary Options Short term binaries: These are the trades with the shortest expiry periods which will be between 30 seconds and 5 minutes.

Account Opening at 24Option.

A minimum deposit of only $250 is needed to open an account with 24Option. The entire process takes just a few minutes. You will need to fill a form with your personal details and make the deposit. You can then start with your demo account immediately to gain a trial experience of the system before trading with actual funds.

Trading Accounts at 24Option.

There are 4 different accounts:

The Standard Account: Here, a trader will not have any restrictions on the type of assets he wishes to trade in. There is prompt customer support all round-the-clock and the maximum payouts are pegged at 83%. The Gold Account: This one comes will all the benefits accruing to the standard account. Additionally, Gold Account holders will enjoy one free withdrawal per month and can earn an extra 2% over and above their investments. The Platinum Account: Apart from the benefits earned in the Standard and Gold accounts, Platinum Account holders will earn a maximum payout of 89%. They are also provided with four withdrawals without additional cost every month. The Diamond account: This account for high-end traders has accumulative benefits of all the other accounts listed above. Moreover, the account attracts an extra 6% on each trade plus unlimited withdrawals at no additional cost.

24Option’s Asset Index.

You will not find a more populated list of assets that you can trade with in all of the binary options industry than the list available through 24Option. Traders have a choice of over 100 assets to trade with. This implies that traders with all sorts of assets and trade preferences have access to a wide pool of assets to choose from.

Traders can expect maximum payouts with 24Option brokers. This is the highest by far in the market. Additionally, there are 15% rebates on money investments.

Customer Support at 24Option.

This broker has invested highly in terms of systems and personnel to ensure a high quality of customer support in terms of promptness and content. Traders can avail support in almost up to 17 languages, 24 hours a day. Support can be accessed via live chat, email, and telephone which includes local numbers as well as toll-free.

24Option Trading, Pros:

High experience: Has been trading since 2010 Regulated and licensed by CySec. Great client services Benefits and incentives like competitions with cash prizes Demo account Multiple assets.

24Option remains the leading broker in the binary options market and traders continue to open and maintain accounts here as they have multiple gains to earn from this broker.

Another excellent binary options trading site is the very user-friendly AnyOption. When you want to trade any kind of binary option or transact forex related trades, this firm is highly recommended due to the benefits and features on offer. A subsidiary of AnyOption Payment Services Ltd, this trading firm was launched in 2008 and by then, it was already becoming a pioneer in the binary options market. The firm is based in Cyprus and it is powered by a proprietary platform through which clients can trade.

Negociação de Opções Binárias.

AnyOption site comes with in-depth and informative guides that will help you learn how binary options trading works. The firm offers four types of trades, and these are:

High/Low Options One Touch Binary Options Boundary Binary Options Early Closure Binary Options.

Depósito e retirada.

The minimum deposit that you are allowed to make in AnyOption stands at $200. There are various methods to deposit and they include bank wire, credit, and debit cards, Skrill, plus a range of domestic payment methods. Traders can register for.

free without needing any deposit. Clients from Europe, the United States and various other countries are all welcome to trade with AnyOption. Traders make your withdrawals at any time, the best being that there is no minimum amount. However, you can only make one free withdrawal each month, and you will be charged 30USD/20GBP for any additional withdrawals thereafter.

Tradable Assets.

All the major assets are covered by AnyOption under various categories: Currency Pairs, Commodities, Indices and Stocks. Indices are especially strong with all major exchanges. Additionally, there is a multitude of niche indices to improve your.

apetite. Commodities are set to cover all metals in addition to crude. While stocks are fairly distributed with the major European and US names, a wide range of Asian stocks are also on offer. The main currency pairs are represented as well, with the pleasant addition of Bitcoin options, which are rarely offered by other brokers.

The four option types on offer are:

Standard Binary An ‘Option+’ Range A Binary ‘Event’ Range One Touch Binary.

You can expect a comprehensive suite of assets and options from AnyOption, and these are suitable for any kind of trader. Emerging market currencies are the only function that is not available here.

Outros serviços.

If you are looking for a full feature mobile trading application that is compatible with both Android and iPhone, and one that will allow you to trade from anywhere in real-time, then look no further. AnyOption offers you this mobile function, which.

will also check asset prices and manage your account. There is also a unique ‘Live Trades’ stream to show you the latest and most profitable trades from the last day, week and month. AnyOption is a highflying options broker that is bound to please you with its huge range of option types and exceptional payouts.

Binary Options Trading Basics.

The end of the article covers the basics of the binary trading, it is highly advisable to go through it before commencing the trading. The core of this article is to acquaint you with the fundamental aspects of the binary trading.

Quais são as opções binárias?

In laymen’s term, the binary options are nothing but a financial contract which has a fixed risk – reward. In other words, the amount of investment per trade is your risk while the reward is the payout offered on the specific asset after the expiry of that contract. As a trader, you select whether the underlying.

asset will expire above or below the current price and you put your wager on that. Basically, you invest in your ability to predict the direction of an asset. If your prediction turns out to be true then you are rewarded with the predetermined payouts on your investment and if it turns out otherwise, your investment amount is at stake. The winning trade in the binary options returns you back the amount risked plus the payouts.

What Are The Key Components?

There are three key components in any binary contract: expiry duration, strike price, and the payouts. The expiry duration is the predetermined time at which the contract will cease to exist. In other words, the time between purchasing a contract and the closing of contract.

Typical expiry durations offered in the binary arena ranges from 60-seconds to 6-months. The day traders prefer to trade in the faster durations while the long-term trader prefers to buy and hold the contract for several days. The strike price is nothing but the price at which you have bought the contract. This is the price which is considered as the pivot point for the trade and determines whether the price has moved up or down after the purchase.

The payouts are the percentage return on your investment. If the purchased underlying asset has moved in the predicted direction, you are entitled to receive the investment amount plus the payouts. For example, on $ 100 investments with 80% payouts, the winning trade will return you your investment amount of $ 100 plus $ 80 (80% of investment amount), totaling to $ 180.

What Are The Available Assets Types?

The binary options trading which started with only currency pairs for the trading has now come a long way. As of now, the binary brokers cover the entire gamut of assets including forex, commodities, stocks, and stock market indices. This gives power in your hand to select the.

asset type in which you have mastery. You can select to predict the direction of the Facebook stock or an S&P500 or your favorite foreign currency pair or a preferred commodity in a single platform. The binary trading platform provides you an access to international markets without worrying about the hassles of offshore trading through other brokers.

Currently, several binary brokers offer an array of stocks and indices from Asia, Europe, USA, Australia, and other countries. This makes it the task of a trader very easy as he or she can trade the stocks listed in NYSE sitting in the Paris, without switching the screens or brokers, simultaneously, the traders can take positions into their favorite currency pair and/or commodity. This makes the binary platform as the one-stop-shop for all the trading requirements.

What Is The Average Trading Time?

In the binary arena, the trading time is predefined and predetermined by the broker. As a trader, you are allowed to select your preferred expiry duration. Typically, the duration offered ranges from 60 seconds to few minutes to few hours, and from few hours to several days.

If you like the adrenaline pumping then you can select the shortest available expiry 60-seonds, in which the options expire in a minute. But if you prefer to buy and hold your options for longer durations, you have an option to select from an hour to few months. The expiry duration can be selected before initiating your trade, and once you have committed yourself to the specific duration you cannot change during the trade period and you have no option but to wait till expiry. However, there are few brokers in the binary trading market which allow you to close the trade before expiry. Leaving these brokers, the binary options trading differs in terms of expiry selection as it does not allow you to close your trade before expiry, while in another financial asset trading, you are allowed to close your position at any time.

What Are The Common Option Types?

This is the most common option type which simply requires you to predict the direction of underlying assets. You are required to predict whether the assets price will close higher than the strike price or lower than the strike price. These options are also known as the “call” and “put” options.

This is another common option types wherein the trader is asked to predict whether the underlying asset will reach the broker defined price during the expiry time. The ceiling prices for the touchdown are defined by the broker and is readily available before placing the trade so that you have enough time to research and predict.

As the name indicates, the boundary or the range is predetermined by the broker, and you just have to predict whether the underlying asset price will close outside the boundary or inside the boundary.

Binary brokers offer variants of the above common options types along with some very fancy and complex option types like Ladder having payouts as high as 300 % (the payouts varies from broker to broker). The payout increases with the complexity of the option types and when the prediction is hardest to reach.

Which Options Should You Choose?

Obviously, the final decision of selecting the option types rests with you but we will aid with the outline which one should consider before making the final call.

The first and foremost thing which should be consider is the level of experience you have. If you are a seasoned forex trader than you will be able to adapt to binary trading in no time. But if you are absolutely naïve to any kind of trading, then you should only start with the simplest option type to start and then move the hierarchy as you gain the experience.

Are you the one who gets impatient early? Do you love day trading? If answers to these questions are affirmative then you should select shorter expiry, otherwise select the expiry which suits you the most.

This is very generic term as everyone wants to make money through trading. The goal here means that how much you want to make in what time frame. For example, some of you might prefer to make $ 500 in a week while some would prefer to make it in a day. The goal will guide you to what asset to select and what expiry duration would be more suitable to your goal achievement.

As discussed earlier, the decision of selecting the option should be in accordance with your preference, but the above parameters will help you choose the most suited option types to suit your needs.

Tips For Choosing a Binary Option Trading Broker.

The binary trading has come a long way since its inception. The exciting times have just started as the binary arena continues to add traders at an exponential rate at the same time there are several brokers who have come to the foray. The enormous choices offered by the several brokers makes it difficult for the naïve trader to select the most suited trading partner, and also, to stay away from the con-artists at the play.

Selecting a perfect partner in itself is a very difficult for anyone and specifically for the naïve traders. The right partner can put the traders on the platform which is most suited to the traders. The offerings from the brokerage houses and their teams are always awaiting a client and to conquer the hearts they offer jaw-dropping benefits, also, each of them try to outbid others. The scenario seems perfect for the traders but the traders will also have to remember that there are some sharks also sitting amongst them to eat away your hard earned money. Hence, it becomes even more important to conduct the thorough due diligence while selecting the broking partner. We, as a responsible reviewer provide a detailed discussion on several brokers but to aid you to conduct your own research on the binary brokers, we are equipping you with the tips of selecting and comparing various binary brokers.

The following are some of the most important aspects which you should definitely consider before making your mind on one particular broker.

We firmly believe that “A bad tree does not yield good apples”, and it is specifically true when it comes to the promoters of the binary website. If the promoters of the binary trading website are hiding information or there are no information regarding the registration details about the promoters or the promoting company, then consider this as the first warning sign.

Once you are sure about the promoters, go ahead and check the platform and the website. The most professional and transparent website should have higher score compared to the website which is hiding important information & it looks unprofessional.

Several binary broking site offers a demo/free account to test their platform. As a trader or investor, you should utilize this opportunity to test the platform before opening a real-money account. The demo accounts are provided so that you can get a feel of the software along with allowing to test your strategies before committing real money to a particular trading strategy.

The professionally developed software provides simple yet intuitive user interface which saves time and energy in learning the website and placing the trade on the platform. The selection should be based on the amount of time required to grasp the platform usage, and the platform taking a longer time to learn should be given second preference.

Some binary brokers assist the traders with real-time charting and plotting of technical indicators. Also, there are some brokerage houses which provides signal services along with the manual and the automatic trading options. You should select the broking website which best suits your requirements.

Almost all the binary brokers offer a deposit bonus ranging up to 100 percent and in some cases even higher. Though the higher bonuses are welcome, you should consider a number of bonuses you are getting on an initial as well as consequent deposits.

Higher payout means that the chance of making handsome profits are higher on winning trades. However, that does not mean that you should select the brokerage house based solely on the payouts, you should consider various other factors like whether the website allows you to close the trade before expiry or not, what are the payment options, does the website has robust customer support in place, and how the website scores on various parameters listed in this article.

This is also a crucial parameter to consider while making a choice. Various deposits and payments options are offered by the binary brokers and you should select the partner which best suits your requirements.

The binary broker requires you to deposit minimum amount ranging from $ 10 to $ 250 and you should consider the one which is most suitable to you.

The binary brokers offer several assets for the trading including currency pairs, stocks, indices, and commodities. The number of assets available for trading differs from platform to platform, and your selection should be based on whether the asset you desire to trade is available or not.

Also, the higher the number of assets in various categories allows you to diversify your trading portfolio better. Along with, the number of assets offered, you should also consider the type of options available for trading. The binary arena has the range of option types from the simplest options type like high / low up to more fancy and complex option types like Ladder.

Also, the asset expiry duration from site to site differs. The range of expiry in the binary market is from 1 minute to 6 months. If you are a trader who prefers to buy and hold for a month, then a platform offering only few hour expiry does not make sense, and if you like to have quick trades then the longer expiry period may not be required. Hence, the assessment of various asset parameters like a number of assets, option types, and expiry durations, are critical in selecting the broker and you should select the one which meets most of your requirements.

This also forms a part of the selection criteria, as robust support system ensures that all your queries and complaints will be addressed in a timely manner. There are various ways in which the broking houses attempts to address the complaints which include web-forms, e-mails, phone, live chat, and social media options. Your assessment of the customer support should be based on your preferred method of communication.

This may not be a very critical parameter for everyone, but it can be for non-English speakers. The global nature of the binary trading has prompted the promoters to offer their platform in several different languages, and the selection should be based on your preferences.

The parameters discussed above should be used to evaluate various binary brokers. Even if, all the platform provides the same binary trading options, they will differ in their various offerings like bonuses, payouts, customer support, transparency, the number of assets, option types, expiry durations, deposits and.

withdrawal processes, restrictions in deposits, withdrawals and investments, amongst various other aspects. Hence, it is of prime importance to conduct a thorough evaluation of the broking platform and understand various parameters.

As always, the most critical part before commencing your first trade is that you should carefully read and comprehend the terms and conditions of the broking house as well as the local laws pertaining to the financial trading.

Opção de opção binária recomendada Auto Traders.

Robô de Opção.

Obtenha o melhor robô de opção binária & # 8211; Option Robot & # 8211; De forma gratuita, clique no botão abaixo. Nossa oferta exclusiva: conta demo gratuita! Veja o quão lucrativo o Robot da Opção antes de investir com dinheiro real!

Taxa de retorno média: mais de 90% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: sites de corretores aceitos aceitos: 16 corretores diferentes Preço: Gratuito.

Binário automatizado.

O melhor novo software de negociação automática: Automated Binary. Obtenha agora gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo e comece a ganhar dinheiro enquanto você dorme!

Taxa de retorno médio: cerca de 80% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: Aceitamos sites de corretores compatíveis: 11 corretores diferentes Preço: Gratuito.

O Real Robot.

O melhor novo software de negociação automática: Automated Binary. Obtenha agora gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo e comece a ganhar dinheiro enquanto você dorme!

Taxa de retorno média: pouco mais de 80% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: Não aceito Sites compatíveis do corretor: 12 corretores diferentes Preço: Gratuito.

Coloque seus negócios para copiar os melhores comerciantes do mundo e ganhe dinheiro sem fazer muito trabalho. Software inovador, que você pode obter livremente clicando no botão abaixo.

Taxa de retorno média: Depende do comerciante que você escolhe copiar Clientes dos EUA: Não aceito Sites compatíveis do corretor: Preço de Anyoption: Gratuito.

Auto Trader da Mike & # 8217;

Um dos melhores comerciantes de automóveis, que você pode obter gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo.

Taxa de retorno média: bem acima de 70% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: sites de corretores aceitos aceitos: muitos sites de corretores respeitáveis ​​Preço: Gratuito.

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Michael Allen.

Michael Allen é o principal autor da binaryoptionrobotinfo. Possui Doutorado em Economia e trabalhou em banco de investimento por 24 anos.

21 comentários.

I think many of the traders are simple not aware of the basics of binary options trading industry. This is the reason I took to writing even the most intricate details about binary options trading that might help the traders out there. For instance, this article about the best binary options brokers in 2017 will help the traders in learning about some of the best and the most reliable binary options trading brokers that are present in the industry. As such, they can invest with the same and minimize their chances of losing it big in binary trading.

Are you confused about which binary options trading broker is the best one for you? Read this article and know about some of the best and the most reliable binary options trading brokers out there. You can learn about some of the highly legitimate binary options trading systems that offer regulated and licensed brokers for your ultimate profits. You can rely on these completely. The leading binary options trading portals like Option Robot, IQ Option, Automated Binary, and so more are the ones that you can trust upon for the best brokers. A really great article!

It is important to search for the most compatible brokers when you are doing binary trading. There are several binary options trading platforms that offer highly regulated and licensed brokers which ensure the success of the traders. When you invest your money with a reliable binary options broker, then you can be assured of your success. One of the most compatible brokers are offered by binary options trading portals like Option Robot, IQ Option, Automated Binary Trading, and many others. You can invest your money into any of these portals to get maximum profits out of your investment.

When you are doing binary trading with a particular binary options trading portal, it is vital that you are aware of the different types of brokers associated with the same. There are several fraudulent brokers as well who might simply run with your money. As such, it is important to analyze that the brokers are regulated and licensed. This will assure that your money is in the safe hands. If you wish to do binary trading with the safest and the most compatible broker, then you can invest your money in Option Robot. It has the best brokers out there.

The real success to any binary options trading lies in the type of brokers that you are associated with. In binary options trading industry, it is very important to be linked to some highly reliable and licensed brokers who can bring the desired success to you. I have been in the binary options trading since a long time and I have realized that the key to success in binary trading is the type of binary options trading platform that you choose and the brokers that are associated with the same. You can earn huge profits if your brokers are well regulated and licensed to do binary trading.

Na negociação de opções binárias, o fator particular que decide seu sucesso é o tipo de corretor com o qual você associou sua negociação. Existem várias plataformas de negociação de opções binárias confiáveis ​​que oferecem corretores altamente regulamentados e licenciados aos comerciantes. When you invest your money with them, you can be assured of the generation of higher returns in binary options trading. However, the choice of a wrong binary options trading broker can be highly detrimental to your success. Therefore, you must go for choosing the most reliable ones only. Learn about some of them in this article.

Looking for a reliable binary options trading broker? Your success in binary trading would depend greatly on the type of binary options broker that you have chosen for yourself. As such, it becomes highly important to go with the most reliable and regulated ones that assure you the generation of profits upon your investment. Option Robot offers the most legitimate and trustworthy brokers upon which you can trust completely. The brokers here are reliable and you can trust them with your investment. This is the reason I always recommend people to do binary trading with Option Robot only!

Brokers are the most indispensable factors in any binary options trading industry. The ultimate success of the traders in any typical binary options trading environment depends on the reliability and legitimacy of the brokers. Therefore, if you are starting out on binary options trading, then you must go for selecting the best broker out there. I think Option Robot can be really a highly reliable option as it offers some of the best binary trading signals to help you achieve the desired profits. You can also search for other reliable brokers of your choice and start investing with them.

Have you been failing at the binary options trading? There could be high chances that you are choosing the wrong binary brokers for yourself. Many traders in the binary options trading portal fail or lose money because they make investments with the wrong or fraudulent brokers. As such, it is important to know about the reliable and legitimate binary options brokers of the current time. You can choose the best one out from them and then, make the desired investment with them only. Have a great time!

Great suggestions Michael! I personally feel no one else could have done better justice to this topic “best binary options brokers 2017” than you. You have done ample research into this field and then, you have presented down your thoughts in a highly informative manner. It is a great article for all the investors – whether beginners or professionals, as they must know about the best brokers in the binary options industry currently.

If you wish to succeed in binary options trading industry, then you must be linked to some of the best binary brokers who could help you transform your investments into profits. If you are new to this platform, then you can learn about the best binary brokers of the current time by reading this article. I religiously follow all the articles that are posted on the binaryoptionsrobotinfo and find Michael as a great writer and contributor to the binary options trading industry. Hats off to you!

Indeed, a great article! You have done an excellent job by listing out the best binary options brokers in 2017 and that too, on the basis of individual countries. This serves a great purpose for several investors from different regions of the world who are thinking of making an investment. I am highly impressed with this article!

I wish I had read this article before blindly investing my money into a fraudulent binary trading portal. I was unsure of where to invest so I ended up making the wrong decision. Had I read this article before, I would not have done such a mistake. I truly regret the loss of my money. Now, I know Option Robot is the best and the most reliable one out there. So, now I will make my investment in this portal only.

I am truly amazed by the level of research Michael has put in this article about the best brokers in binary options trading industry in 2017. Though there are several similar articles out there, I completely trust Michael as I have been following him since a long time. His reviews about different binary options trading portals have helped me find the best one for me. Ótimo artigo.

I think before starting out on the journey of investing in any binary options trading portal or broker, it is imperative to know about the best ones out there. This helps in relying on the best and the most reliable ones such that you would never end up in any kind of loss. As such, this article about the best brokers of binary options trading in 2017 is a great informative one for all the traders out there. You have done a great job by posting this article at the right time when several investors are looking forward to make their investment in some portal.

Amazing blog about the binary options trading platform and brokers and its overall working. Could you please guide me in a better manner as I am new to this platform and wish to try my hands as well. Option robot after all seem to work quite well according to users and my own short experience. Good content.

You are right winston, we are in the right path now with automated trading. Let’s stick with that. Option robot is one of a kind robot and stands out from even the best binary brokers in the market. I have recommended these to my best friends.

few of the brokers are just better than the others. my opinion is that 24option and IQ option have been great during the years and now that I tried option robot it works as it should and have gained me some serious profits on top of what I managed to do by myself. I will definitely keep going with the robot and let it take care of my trading. Mostly I just follow and observe what has been traded during the days. I can count on that. Of course I started with smaller amount because I was suspicious but now it has accuired my full trust. Thank Allen for introducing me to this side of online and binary trading.

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Great recommendations! I wanna thank you for your reviews. I first started trading with the option robot 7 months ago and made quick 2000€. Then I started to study binary trading more throughly and have now earned almost 7000€ from iq option, hope my good streak will continue, thank once more!

Thank you for the feedback. We will do our best to keep our number one position as the most reliable binary options websites there is. Keep up the good work and I’m sure that you will earn even much more in the near future!

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7 Opções binárias.

Atualmente, existem mais de 400 plataformas de negociação ou corretores. Este não foi o caso em 2008, quando a negociação de opções binárias começou, uma vez que havia cerca de 10 plataformas de negociação. O surgimento de muitos corretores tem sido bom, uma vez que criou alta concorrência, o que é benéfico para os investidores em termos de mais bônus e retornos altos.

Comparação de intermediários de opções binárias.

Quando você começa a negociar em opções binárias, uma das decisões mais importantes é escolher o intermediário correto. Esta é uma tarefa que facilitamos para você, já que analisamos e testávamos os corretores mais confiáveis ​​e melhores e os incluímos em nossa comparação de intermediários de opções binárias.

Browse our website with full confidence, we provide most reliable, accurate and up to date info about brokers from all over the world.

Comece com 3 etapas fáceis:

Escolha um corretor da lista abaixo.

Best Binary Options Brokers and Trading Platforms:

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

(* A quantidade será creditada na conta em caso de investimento bem sucedido)

Registre uma conta de corretor.

I personally use six different brokers for trading and recommend all serious traders to open a few accounts to different brokers in order to have a good variety of assets.

Comece a negociar com quatro etapas simples:

Best Binary Options Brokers for 2018.

Atualmente, não existe um regulador que possa supervisionar e regular todas as opções binárias e atividades de Forex em todo o mundo. Ao longo dos anos, houve um aumento notável nestes negócios. Isso pode ser atribuído ao aumento da acessibilidade e avanços em tecnologia em todo o mundo. Como resultado, vários órgãos reguladores foram formados para regular as opções binárias e as atividades de Forex.

Na maioria dos casos, esses organismos operam em certas regiões geográficas e sua principal tarefa é monitorar as várias opções binárias e corretores binários em tais regiões, com o objetivo de proteger os comerciantes e monitorar as melhores práticas por esses corretores.

Muitas opções binárias e corretores de Forex têm atraentes plataformas de negociação, além de uma horda de atrações fabulosas para seus comerciantes. Com isso em mente, muitos comerciantes estão se perguntando se é bom investir apenas em qualquer opção binária ou corretor Forex. A verdade é que nem todos os corretores no mercado hoje são respeitáveis. Nos Estados Unidos, por exemplo, existem regulamentações rigorosas que foram impostas para os corretores da região estarem em condições de aceitar comerciantes com base nos EUA.

São tais regulamentos que fazem alguns corretores não aceitar comerciantes de certas regiões geográficas. Ao invés de passar por todos os problemas para verificar os melhores corretores no mercado, pesquisamos o mercado de forma abrangente e estamos felizes em apresentar suas melhores opções binárias e corretores Forex este ano.

Todas as opções binárias e corretores de Forex que recomendamos nesta página foram testadas e aprovadas para serem genuínas e cumprir suas promessas. We have also gone a step further to group the recommended brokers according to the regions they operate, such as the list for best Indian binary options brokers. Como tal, você só precisa encontrar seu corretor preferido da lista a seguir, com base em sua localização geográfica, após o qual você precisa se inscrever e começar a negociar imediatamente.

Recommended Brokers in the US.

Atualmente, existem dois principais órgãos reguladores para todas as opções binárias e corretores Forex nos Estados Unidos. The two bodies are the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the National Futures Association (NFA). According to the current regulations, it is not illegal for any broker to accept traders who are based in the United States.

However, if any dispute arises between the trader and the broker, the broker, either binary options or Forex, will be liable for prosecution. in the recent past, the majority of such prosecutions have led to hefty fines and penalties on the side of the brokers.

As a result of this, there have been two distinct categories of binary options and Forex brokers that accept US-based traders. These categories are the brokers who are duly regulated by any of the two regulatory bodies in the U. S.A and the offshore brokers, who are not regulated by any of the two bodies.

Most of the us binary options brokers accepting US-based traders have trading platforms that are faultless. However, you still need to do your own research on any given broker, prior to trading with them. However, we have made the process much easier for you; we have researched, tried and verified the brokers in our recommended list to be effective and genuine.

Best Brokers Accepting US Customers.

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

Recommended Brokers in the UK.

Residing in the United Kingdom offers traders two main benefits, with regards to binary options and Forex trading. While in the UK, you can trade with virtually any broker, without being affected by any regional restrictions. Again, you can also choose to trade with the brokers who are regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and are registered in Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the two main regulatory bodies in the UK . The two are also the most predominant licenses when it comes to Binary Options brokers.

As such, it is advisable to choose a broker that is regulated within Europe. While traders from the UK have a freedom to choose any broker that seems appealing to them, including offshore regulated and unregulated brokers, it is highly advisable that you research on your preferred broker before investing your money with them.

Top Brokers for UK Customers.

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

(* A quantidade será creditada na conta em caso de investimento bem sucedido)

Recommended Brokers in Australia.

O comércio de opções binárias é incrivelmente popular entre os comerciantes australianos, e parece estar crescendo em popularidade a cada mês. A negociação de opções binárias não é proibida ou ilegal na Austrália e os corretores com base em ou fora da Austrália podem oferecer seus serviços aos comerciantes australianos. The increased demand in online binary options, binary options brokers in Australia and Forex trading has led to the formation of a regulatory body in Australia, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

However, it is not illegal for people to participate in this form of binary options trading in Australia. In this regard, brokers from Australia and other parts of the world can offer their services to people based in Australia. Currently, there are many brokers in the country, some that are offshore and others that are licensed and approved by the ASIC. We have tested and verified all the platforms on our list of brokers to be reputable in Australia.

Top Brokers for Australian Customers.

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

Binary Options in Canada.

Although online trading is allowed in Canada, there is still no overall regulatory body for the entire country. Instead, each of the 10 Canadian provinces has its own online binary options and Forex trading regulatory body. Among the regulatory bodies in the country is the Investment Industry Regulatory Organisation of Canada (IIROC) .

Although this body is capable of formulating and enforcing laws in the Canadian trading markets and securities, it cannot do the same when it comes to online trading. We have taken time to review and evaluate each of the brokers offering their services to the Canadians. Canadian binary options brokers As such, the list provided here comprises of the brokers offering convenient banking support and options for online traders in Canada. Just click on the above link, review the various brokers and start trading right away, with your preferred broker.

Top Brokers.

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

Corretores recomendados na Europa.

Quando se trata de opções binárias e de negociação Forex, os comerciantes na Europa são alguns dos comerciantes mais afortunados em todo o mundo. Entre os organismos reguladores de renome na Europa está a Comissão de Câmbio e Câmbio de Chipre (CySEC). Este órgão impõe um rigoroso processo regulatório, que inclui a Diretoria de Mercados em Instrumentos Financeiros (DMIF). According to this body, european binary options brokers that are licensed by CySEC can accept online traders from any member state, within the European Economic Area.

Additionally, CySEC happens to be the main regulatory body for binary options traders. Traders in Europe also have the option of trading with offshore binary options and Forex brokers. Isso deixa os comerciantes europeus com uma infinidade de opções, no que diz respeito a opções binárias on-line e off-line e negociação Forex. No entanto, você ainda precisa pesquisar em qualquer corretor antes de negociar com eles.

Nesse sentido, estudamos extensivamente todos os corretores disponíveis para estados europeus e fornecemos uma lista das melhores opções binárias e corretores de Forex na região. Basta passar pela lista, selecionar seu corretor preferido, inscrever-se e começar a negociar imediatamente.

Top Brokers for European Customers.

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

(* A quantidade será creditada na conta em caso de investimento bem sucedido)

Recommended Brokers in India.

If you are living in India, you’ll be able to trade absolutely any type of Binary Options and work with any of our top rated brokers. Having such a wide choice is truly a blessing, but can also become overwhelming when you have to choose a broker that will be the best and most profitable for you.

What are the criteria you should look into? The main body to regulate binary brokers in India is Securities and Exchange Board of India. However, since most top-performing brokers are focused on European and North-American markets, it is difficult to find a good broker licensed by this authority.

Most of traders from India choose brokers licensed in the European Union member country – Chipre. The CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) gives licenses to most of our recommended brokers that traders from India tend to use. One of the major issues for the traders from India is usually the high minimum deposit requirement for most of the brokers. The majority of our best brokers have a minimum deposit of $250. However, if you search carefully, you can find those that bring equally high results with a lower minimum deposit such as TopOption, BDSwiss, Tradesolid.

Best Brokers for Indian Customers.

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

(* A quantidade será creditada na conta em caso de investimento bem sucedido)

Brokers de Opções Binárias em Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos.

The Dubai market has an enormous potential for all binary options traders. Funded in 2000, it has 57 companies listed with a majority based in UAE. Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) is the institution responsible for monitoring The Dubai International Financial Center, and the rest of the UAE is regulated by various authorities.

They are Ministry of Economy Planning, The Central Bank of the UAE and the Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority, to name the most important ones. There are various benefits that make binary options brokers from this region attractive to choose over others. Firstly, UAE market has experienced some major fluctuations over the past year. This, contrary to what some believe, is a huge plus for risky players. The market is perfect for experienced traders who are ready to take advantage of this extraordinary market.

Many experts recommend getting into binary options trading here while the conditions are still favorable and there is a big chance to profit on a larger scale. Secondly, there is an opportunity to trade during the weekends. While all other are open Monday through Friday, The Dubai Security Exchange is working Sunday through Thursday. This is a lot more convenient for those of us who prefer to trade in our free time.

Dubai is expanding very fast, both as a city and as a new attractive financial market. Many experienced traders have already taken their chance and started benefiting from this fast-growing economy with binary options trading.

Top Brokers for Customers from the United Arab Emirates:

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

(* A quantidade será creditada na conta em caso de investimento bem sucedido)

Comércio de opções binárias na África do Sul.

Currently, binary options trading is extremely popular in South Africa. It became so just a few years ago, and before that there were no particular regulations for binary options brokers in this country. Nowadays, the Financial Services Board (FSB) is a government agency that is responsible for regulating financial market in South Africa and binary options brokers here.

Particularly, the FSB special task force called The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Agency is responsible for assuring quality binary options trading in the region. When looking for a top-performing broker, keep in mind that it is important to pay attention to the its regulation.

However, no matter what is the country of origin the broker, it should be able to suit your need and bring you benefits. That is why, traders can also consider brokers with proven results that are regulated by European authorities. There are various brokers that we can recommend in this region that have proven results and have been recommended by many traders that benefited from them.

Top Brokers for South African Customers.

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

(* A quantidade será creditada na conta em caso de investimento bem sucedido)

Binary Options Brokers in New Zealand.

Although New Zealand is a small country, its size has no impact on the level of interest and quality of binary options trading in this region. Traders from this country are becoming increasingly interested in the opportunities binary trading has to offer. However, before choosing a broker and starting to trade, it is important to educate yourself on what to look out for in the process.

This is particularly true in this region, since binary options are just becoming known and there is a lot of tricky moments to consider. First of all, of course, that’s regulations. In this aspect, New Zealand is ahead of many other countries that still remain without regulatory bodies to help traders navigating the market.

This country assures the quality of trading by The Financial Markets Authority (FMA), a state regulatory authority that oversees binary options trading and other financial operations in the country. There are standards that brokers must keep in order to obtain and keep their license. For instance, the company must be able to function effectively and fulfill the licensing conditions imposed by FMA. The regulatory body evaluates brokers constantly to make sure it doesn’t impose threats to the state funds or its customers.

Since binary options trading is relatively new in New Zealand, traders often have limited choice of broker. On the other hand, if you wish to keep your funds in the country, you can always be sure of the licensed brokers. For those traders who are willing to trade with brokers from abroad, there are also excellent choices of top-performing brokers licensed in the UK or the EU.

Best Brokers for Kiwis.

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

(* A quantidade será creditada na conta em caso de investimento bem sucedido)

Recommended Brokers in the Philippines.

To become a successful binary option trader, you first need to carefully evaluate your opportunities and threats. That also includes choosing a licensed and promising broker. In the Philippines the regulatory body that is responsible for evaluating these companies is called Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines. It assures that all the trading activities happening in the region are legal and in the best interests of the country and its citizens.

While there are very few brokers based in the country itself, the traders from the Philippines can also expand their search for licensed brokers that will suit their needs licensed by foreign regulatory bodies, such as Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK or CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) in Cyprus. These brokers have earned excellent reputation all around the world and proved to be worthy of their reviews. Fortunately, they all accept the traders from the Philippines. Because of this, binary options trading is becoming a popular and exciting part of the life in the region.

Best Brokers for Customers from the Philippines.

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

(* A quantidade será creditada na conta em caso de investimento bem sucedido)

Binary Option Brokers in Malaysia.

In Malaysia, binary options trading is extremely popular. There are currently two Malaysian Government organizations that are regulated and licensed binary options brokers. These are the Bank Negara Malaysia and the Securities Commission of Malaysia. After an extensive search for any regulated binary options brokers in Malaysia, we could not find one as of this writing. This is due to the fact that at this time the primary focus of the binary options market is based in Australia and Europe. However, this has not stopped Malaysian residents from taking part in binary options trading with CySEC & ASIC regulated brokers as well as unregulated brokers.

Best Brokers for Malaysian Customers.

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

(* A quantidade será creditada na conta em caso de investimento bem sucedido)

Binary Options Brokers Russia: Rules and Regulations.

In the world of binary options trading, Russia is starting to get the reputation as a force with which to be reckoned. However, there have recently been some new developments due to recent economic sanctions which have been placed on Russia by the European Union and the US. We will then discuss the overall role of binary options in Russia as well how, if at all, the sanctions have affected the market. It is not illegal per the Russian government to trade binary options so therefore Russian citizen are permitted to do so. Traders in Russia have two options for binary options brokers and they are as follows:

They are able to trade with local binary options brokers They are able to trade with offshore brokers that are regulated in other nations.

Safe and Recommended Brokers for Russian Customers.

A negociação de opções binárias comporta um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos.

Status of Binary Options Trading in Russia.

In Russia, binary options trading is viewed as a serious means of investment. However, as of this time, there are no official binary regulations in Russia. A great many of wealthy Russian residents opt to invest offshore and they make no exception when it comes to binary options trading. The issue that arises in this situation is that offshore investments are out of reach for the Russian government regulations and tax laws.

The recent increase in capital export from Russia is a clear indicator that the majority of those who trade binary options would rather offset their investments to offshore binary options brokers than deal with the few companies that trade binary options in Russia.

A great deal of the binary options brokers that originated in Russia are noticing this trend toward offshore investments and are now looking to be registered or relocated elsewhere. Cyprus is always a preferred location due to their low-tax and investment friendly persona that is present in this country.

Case in point: Dragon Options, a Russian binary options broker, is licensed via CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) there is currently an estimated $31 billion in Russian funds in bank accounts in Cyprus. Therefore, you can certainly ascertain that a lot of these funds include investments in binary options.

There also exist some limitations to the amount of money that foreign clients who want to invest in binary options in Russia can send in foreign currency deposits. Presently, bank transfers from certain foreign banks and/or countries are considered illegal either under Russian law, or by the dictates of the economic sanctions.

Also, there are limitations as to the amount of money that foreign clients who wish to trade with binary options are able to send via foreign currency. Currently, transfers from certain banks are considered illegal from certain foreign countries and banking institutions under Russian law, and economic sanctions.

The current status of binary options trading in Russia is as follows:

Binary options trading is legal in Russia Binary options brokers in Russia are not regulated. CySEC regulated brokers appear to be the preferred method of trading for those who currently trade binary options in Russia. Any binary options trading that take place in companies based in Russia are subject to taxation. Sanctions are currently a threat to binary options trading and investments of Russian citizens.

Implications for Binary Options Traders in Russia.

A primary reason for concern for those who trade binary options in Russia is the effect that the sanctions have on their investments. A great number of sanctions have been placed on Russian business and this has had an effect on business when it comes to financial dealing with Western banks. As well it has restricted access to many foreign markets.

For example, it is now going to be quite challenging for Russian citizen to participate in binary options trading with those American-based corporations that provide services for overseas clients including Cantor Exchange. It is going to be just as difficult for Russian residents to trade with core EU binary options trading platforms. Those brokers located in Cyprus are lucky isolated from this situation; however, there is no guarantee that this will be the case in the future.

As part of the bailout to redeem the government in Cyprus from bankruptcy in 2013, the Laiki Bank, which was the second biggest financial institution in Cyprus, was closed. Those with accounts containing greater than 100,000 Euros were shut down and their funds were expropriated by the government in Cyprus. Any outstanding debts were transferred to the Bank of Cyprus, which then exploited a very large portion of those aforementioned accounts as well as those accounts containing over 1 million Euros. Most of those accounts were owned by Russian investors.

Those accounts are on hold with locally based binary options brokers thus subjecting those holders to the tax dragnet. Maintaining the status quo with those trading accounts with offshore brokers, which contain the risk of more sanctions.

Due to these crippling sanctions, and falling oil prices, the Russian government is in grave danger of a major crisis. At some point, there will be a need to increase taxation or at least broaden it as much as possible with will be primary focus on binary options trading investments.

Thus as a result, binary options investors in Russia are also faced with the situation that their currency is rapidly depreciation as it is directly affected by the sanctions. In these situations, there is a tendency to rush to switch the local currency for a more stable foreign one such as the US dollar. The government will thus respond by setting strict limitations as to how much foreign currency a Russian resident is able to purchase or have in their bank accounts. This is indeed a dire and sticky situation for all those involved.

The Future of Binary Options Regulation in Russia.

Heading into the future, binary options traders will have to make a great deal of tough decisions. The decrease in the Rouble means that Russian traders will now have to pay higher rates to set up an account with an offshore broker. These trades will also have to be done with caution as the selection of brokers is now a cause for detailed considerations.

There was already an increased frenzy for Euros and US in Russia in November of 2014 as many Russian citizens were in a rush to secure funds. It may be beneficial for those in Russia who wish to trade binary options to consider brokers in those areas without the stamina of the US or EU due to the sanctions. If they do so, there is a far better chance that their investment will be a lot more secure.

Tips for Comparing and Choosing a Binary Options Trading Broker.

The world of trading offers many exciting opportunities and they can be best enjoyed with the guidance of a binary options broker. Choosing a broker that works best for your trading needs can be a daunting and frightening experience but it’s a necessary one for certain. The brokers can help them perform better when trading and instruct them on getting the best return on their investment.

There are several binary options brokers out there who are eager to assist you as a client. However, it is important to remember that choosing a binary options broker can be a detailed process and it’s important to find one that is capable of performing all of the necessary trading tasks. Below are some helpful tips to simplify the process and assist with finding the best broker for your trading needs.

1. Deposit bonus – how much bonus you get on your first deposit and redeposit.

2. Payout – Binary options trading produces varied payouts. Alguns corretores apresentam opções variáveis ​​que lhes permitem sair das opções antes da data de validade. Sometimes brokers (for example 24Option) allow payouts as great as ninety one percent per trade. The goal for most people in trading is to make money and with a great binary broker, they can succeed. In addition, look for the following benefits:

Various Payment Options High Bonuses Outstanding Customer Support.

3. Deposit and withdrawal options – the trading platforms have different ways of depositing and withdrawing money. Check the one that is suitable for you.

4. Types of stock options and warrants closing times.

5. Minimum deposit – trading platforms require different amounts of minimum deposit for you to start trading. Look for the one that is suitable for you.

6. Trading tools – some trading platforms may have trading signals and automatic trading while some do not have. Choose the platform depending on the trading tools that you prefer.

7. Demo account – various trading platforms cater for its binary options traders, especially the first time investors by providing them with a demo account. This helps to create experience in trading before ones does the actual trading.

8. Customer service – find out if the trading platform has good customer service to cater for all your enquiries concerning binary option trading.

9. Simple User Interface – This is a dependable and professionally structured trading program that offers a simple user interface. This helps to conserve time and effort for the user. The majority of the programs are web based and should be and is recognized as a simple program with interactive controls.

10. Multiple Asset Investing – One of the major benefits of professional trading software is that is doesn’t restrict investing. Dependable binary options brokers should provide a means for investors to make multiple investments in various assets such as forex, commodities and stocks. This increases the profit margin for the investor.

11. Expiry Dates Info – Dependable brokers offer expiry dates on a weekly frequency, while offering some daily or hourly options as well. The maximum trade control is obtained only when maximum expiry details exists.

12. Payout of Maximum Percentage – Dependable brokers offer their clients maximum payout percentage. Search for trade option platforms that present between 75 to 91 percent payout and even the unsuccessful trades will generate about a 5 to 10 percent return to investors.

13. Multiple Languages – Global trading options makes it extremely beneficial to have multiple languages and therefore, the platforms are being presented to support the language spectrum as well.

Despite the trading platforms having a lot in common, their way of trading may differ in terms of bonuses, initial deposit, the maximum payout, their means of depositing and withdrawing money, time of trading and their customer service. You may also find trading platforms, which give back to the trader a certain percentage of their investment if they do not win the returns. Therefore, it is important to find out information about the trading platforms before deciding on the ones to use. Using a binary option robot is often also profitable.

Basics of Binary Option Trading.

What Types of Assets Are Available?

Binary trading offers a wide variety of trading options including commodities, currency pairs, indices and stocks. With all of these options, you are not limited to one type of trading asset only, opening you to an exciting world of trading. You now have the ability to trade Apple stock, foreign currencies, gold or silver from the same trading platform. You have the option to trade internationally without having to go back and forth between various brokers.

The good thing is that many of these top brokers allow traders to utilize their trading platforms without any issues and offer a wide array of indices and stocks from both Asia and Europe. All of your trades can be basically done on the same site without having to switch between multiple screens and systems. Binary options brokers are essentially a one-stop site for all of your trading needs.

How Long Is the Average Trade?

When trading binary options, you need to keep in mind that every trade has a strict time frame that you need to adhere. They vary in length from 60 seconds or longer . You get to choose which time frame best fits your lifestyle. If you aren’t a fan of waiting around for productive trades, you can opt for 5 minute or even 60 seconds trading . If you have more patience, there are 60 minute trades or longer trading options available as well.

One of the important things to remember regarding expiry times is that they are able to be changed only until you have made a commitment to that particular trade. Once you have authorized a specific trade, you simply sit back and wait until it is completed. This differs from other types of financial trading in which you can sell your accumulated shares at any time. There are brokers that will let you sell your trade for a minimal refund. However this is a rare situation for those who are more experience at trading binary options.

Most Common Types of Binary Options.

In binary options, there are three main kinds of trades.

The first is called the “call/put” option . In this type of trade, you simply need to predict whether the price of a particular asset will rise or fall by the expiry time. “One-touch trades” are when you are issued a target price from the start of a trade . If your chosen asset reaches that set price during the expiry time, you will profit. This set price is determined by your specific broker well before you execute the trade so you will have time to do your research and prepare in advance. The final of these three common trades is called the “boundary trade”. The broker will issue a variety of prices and you must determine if the price of the asset will remain in the given range or fall outside of the targeted range.

Each of these trades offers a few variations and some of the more exotic varieties of each often have substantial payouts as high as even 300% (depending upon your individual broker). An example of this is “one touch trades” that have an uncommon target rate. In order to achieve this type of payout, you need to opt for the option that is hardest to reach, in other words, you would need to predict that yes, and the far off price will in fact be the end result of the trade. These trades produce higher return as they are most often more difficult to achieve the correct result.

Which Binary Option Should I Choose?

It is up to you to ultimately determine which type of asset is best for you . You first need to evaluate your level of experience. Do you have experience with the Forex market and are looking for a new and more profitable way to trade? If this applies to you, you will easily be able to apply your strategies to the binary options market. Or does your expertise come from day trading? Are you looking to rid yourself of some of the risk involved in day trading? Then binary options can certainly benefit you as you have the ability to focus on those assets with which you are most familiar.

However, the factor that should ultimately drive your chose of trade is your personal trading goals. You should first determine your specific goals and then devise a plan to these goals. Say you want to make about a thousand dollars a week, then you need to decide which options will essentially help you reach this goal as well as which time frames will help achieve this set goal.

The answers to these questions vary for each trader. However, you should always go for quality trades, rather than quantity. Six successful daily trades will yield a higher routine than five losing and seven winning trades. Take the time to consider your options and the possible outcomes before placing your trades to end up with more profitable results.

Comentários dos corretores.

We have included here shorter reviews of the best brokers in the market right now. Full reviews can be found on their own review pages that you can access from the full broker list at the top of this page.

Banc De Binary Review.

UPDATE (12.01.2017):

We have found out that Banc de Binary is closed.

We recommend choosing one of our top binary option brokers instead:

Try also Binary Option Robot if you are looking for automated binary trading.

Revisão antiga:

As it was founded in 2008, Banc de Binary is one of the oldest binary options brokers in existence. It is controlled by Banc De Binary Ltd and is regulated by the Exchange Commission and Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission since July 1, 2013 under license # license number 188/13.

Their physical address is 4, Profiti Ilia Street Kanika International Business Centre – Office 401 Germasogeia CY-4046 Limassol, Cyprus. Under # 596375, they are also registered with the Financial Conduct Authority and are governed by other such regulatory bodies from various countries.

We must inform our readers to avoid any confusion that there are two different websites for Banc de Binary. Bancdebinary is under the authority of Ash Ltd and it’s affiliate, under domain #204033843. Address: Sofia 1463, Sofia District, Bulgaria. Their trading address of Ash Ltd: UL. Stoney Ground, P. O. Box 1823, VC - 100 Kingstown, St. Vincent, Grenadyny.

If you are outside of the European Union, Ash Ltd. operates this website. Their services are not available for USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand residents. However, Eu. bancdebinary is owned and operated by Banc De Binary Ltd. Which site you will lend one depends on where you are located. The details are the same including licensing information, business address and so forth.

Is Banc de Binary a Scam?

Banc de Binary EU has recently gained recognition by the FCA while other brands have achieved regulation with CySEC. This is a step towards regulation in European subsidiaries. However, we learned from a respected Financial B2B website, that banc de binary is having problem with the US authorities.

The issue between the US and Banc de Binary has since been resolved and is now in the past. Banc de Binary is now regulated and has partnered with the Liverpool Football Club. However the amounts of complaints are overwhelming and cannot be ignored. The majority of complaints are centered on loss of money and their aggressive sales tactics. This therefore makes having a direct answer to “Is this a scam?” rather challenging. It all depends on whom you ask.

Officials like FCA and CySEC seem to have no issues with Banc de Binary, as well as the Liverpool Football Club. As we stated previously, the issues with the US are now in the past. So the short answer is that Banc de Binary is not a scam – it is of the most reliable brokers in the business.

Você sabia?

The Banc de Binary website does provide a lot more information about binary options trading than most other brokers. In my opinion, having this complex educational material handy is a plus. Keeping in mind that when I say “complex” I am stating that this is in comparison to the majority of other mainstream brokers, not educational and informative sites such as ours!

Is it Worth It to Open Account with Banc de Binary?

My first impression of the Banc de Binary website is that it is quite organized and easy to use; not too much information squeezed together on one page.

Upon pursuing their platform, powered by Spot Option, I discovered it was very user-friendly with a wide variety of features for experienced traders and newbie alike. You don’t have to download any software as everything can easily be accessed online. This is one of the benefits of a Spot Option powered trading system. The Banc de Binary platform features 60 Seconds trading, One Touch, a functional Option Builder and other features.

Banc De Binary Trading Platform.

Their returns average between 70 and 91% for “In the Money Options.” However, I noticed that the 91% return is few and far between. However, this is good for sales and marketing the platform. The average appears to be a steady 72%, which is the norm for binary options trading.

Banc de Binary does offer different account types, meaning you will acquire more benefits as you deposit higher funds. The lower-end account is the “Bronze” account. The initial deposit is 250 EUR. The next level is the “Silver” account which requires a minimum deposit of 2,500 EUR and finally the Gold account in which the minimum deposit is 5,000 EUR. At one time Banc de Binary did offer a VIP account which had excellent benefits but honestly, I have noticed that most other brokers offer those same features with standard accounts with a lesser deposit.

Once your deposit exceeds $100,000 you will be treated like royalty. You will be assigned a personal assistant to book your appointment, place your calls, place orders for online gifts and promotions and so forth. They will also assist you if you need access to a specific guest list or even tickets to an event that are sold out. It seems very glamorous, but honestly, if we want to keep it real, not everyone really has $100,000 to invest in binary options trading.

This being said, my honest opinion is that Banc de Binary is basing their clientele on the high rollers as the benefits they offer to “regular” traders aren’t all that appealing. If you are able to invest upwards of tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars trading binary options, then Banc de Binary is an excellent outlet. However, if you are the average trader, I would look for another platform which is more suited to your personal needs and finances, such as Option Robot or IQ Option.

The VIP account is called the “Lion Premium” account, on which eligibility is a deposit of at least 10,000 Euro They do not provide the benefits on the website and quite understandably, I did not invest this sum so I cannot offer you any insights as to the level of services provided with this account.

Banc De Binary Complaints.

We are constantly on the lookout for scam or fraud alerts, and complaints regarding binary options trading platforms, brokers and auto bots by performing a simple internet search such as one you could easily do on your laptop.

We did not find many complaints during our search for Banc de Binary. The best advice we can offer our readers is to use caution when selecting a binary options trading broker and only trade with trustworthy brokers from 7 Binary Options.

Banc De Binary Bonus.

Banc de Binary has changed the structure of their bonus so that now it is completely under the discretion of the Account Executive. Bonuses are still offered as high as 100% but I was unable to locate the exact turnover guidelines anywhere on their website meaning we do not know the amount you need to trade before you are able to make a withdrawal.

As you may be aware, we are of the opinion that large bonus create more issues than actual benefits. The main reason is that you are unable to receive the bonus until you reach the specified turnover amount. This of course means the higher the bonus the more the trading volume necessary to be able to make a withdrawal. A plus side to this is that traders are not required to accept the bonus.

The 100% bonus is at this time only offered to those who have a Gold account or higher.

Banc De Binary Withdrawal.

The minimum amount you are able to withdraw with Banc de Binary is 100 EUR/GBP/USD. It is usually processed within 5 working days by Banc de Binary but it can take longer depending on the withdrawal method of your choice until you actually see the funds in your account. Banc de Binary does not charge a fee for withdrawals, but your individual bank or other payment service may have their own set fee. You were able to process withdrawals via wire transfer, Skrill (MoneyBookers) and Debit and Credit Cards at this time.

The average time for withdrawals is 7 business days. This can take additional time depending on your method which is normally 2-7 business days for bank wire, 2 to 5 business days for credit/debit and Skrill can either be instantaneously or within 24 hours.

Banc De Binary Extras.

Banc de Binary offers a Free ZuluTrade feature which is a popular social trading platform on which you can follow professional and successful traders in reference to their Zulu Rank and profit/loss margin.

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Banc De Binary Features.

User Friendliness:

Banc de Binary offers their website in 10 different languages. This Spot Option 2.0 platform is extremely user friendly except for the fact that a lot of information is sometimes clustered into one spot.

Number of assets and expiry times:

Banc de Binary offers a variety of trading assets including 23 indices, 8 commodities, 25 currency pairs and 97 stocks. Since our last visit, we noticed an increase in these numbers, especially in the number of stocks now offered. All of the standard expiry times apply including One Touch, 60 seconds trading and even an Option Builder which allows the trader to choose their own expiry time.

As of August 2016, there is now a new asset category called “Synthetic” which offers 13 pairs. In this instance you would pit stock vs another stock, indices vs another indices or a commodity vs another commodity and so forth. This is commonly referred to as “Pairs Trading”.

Commissions, Support and Effective Return:

While Banc de Binary doesn’t charge for deposits or withdrawals, there may be some costs that occur with bank transfers or other withdrawal methods. I found their customer support service to very polite and helpful, however, there can be improvement with their response time.

According to Banc de Binary, their return rate can reach as high as 91%, but as I previously mentioned, this is few and far between and I have yet to see an asset that offered this rate. The average seems to be 72% and some assets often reach as high as 82%.

Deposits, Payments and Bonuses:

The minimum required deposit for Banc de Binary is $250 which can be made via Bank Wire, Skrill (MoneyBookers) and Credit/Debit Card. The payments from Banc de Binary to the customer will be applied to the same source from which they originated (i. e.: if you made your deposit via credit card, your withdrawal will be applied to the same credit card).

The bonus structure has recently changed. The 100% bonus is still available but will be determined by your individual Account Executive. The required turnover amount necessary to make a withdrawal is not listed anywhere on the Banc de Binary website so we can ascertain that this is also to be determined by your Account Executive. You have the ability to accept or refuse any of the bonuses offered by Banc de Binary.

Website Extras.

In my opinion the educational materials offered on the Banc de Binary website are a bit more complex than I have seen on other trading platforms. They do provide a link to ZuluTrade, a renowned platform for social trading.

Banc de Binary SpotOption platform is now offering the ability to change time frames as well as candlestick charts.

Finpari Review.

UPDATE 22.4.2017: Finpari has changed its name to Finrally. They continue their operations normally, so this does not affect their old or new customers in any way.

Finpari is controlled by two companies: Lenora Impex SA which is Seychelles registered and also Norsk Inter LP, Scotland registered. FinPari is not regulated by any governing bodies such as CySEC.

Is Finpari A Scam?

There is no concrete evidence that Finpari is a fraudulent service. At the moment, we haven’t heard any critical complaints of the broker, so we can only assume that Finpari is not a scam.

Nota do Editor # 8217; s.

As they are built on the SpotOption platform, it might bode well on their behalf. SpotOption is a reliable platform that does offer a lot of good features. Finpari is based in Seychelles, which means they are willing to accept traders from almost any country, which is more than is allowed as per CySEC regulations. This makes them a prime choice for international traders.

Video: Binary Options Trading with Finpari.

Is it recommended to open an Account with Finpari?

It is not unusual for traders to sign with Finpari as many brokers prefer to register in countries such as Seychelles as they are banking friendly and thus can avoid the stricter standards set in place by organisations such as CySEC .

This can often be a warning sign of a fraudulent broker, but we did not find anything to support that this may be the case with Finpari as they appear to be simply another broker out to attract new investors. As previously stated they are a SpotOption broker so this means that they offer a full-line of features.

In addition to basic high/low trading they offer One Touch, Ladder, Spot Follow and Paris. They do not offer CFD or Forex trading, which is a feature that is in fact offered by many other SpotOption based platforms. Their expiry times are good and include 30, 60 and 120Second options.

Their long-term expiry times include end of day, intra-day, tomorrow, next week, end of week, end of the month and so forth up to 6 months which is available on some of the more common assets. The Ladder Options trade similar to over/under options and offer increased payouts and strikes. One touch options include increased payouts up to 600% and are available on weekends. The standard payout on call/put trades average about 80%.

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Finpari Features.

User Friendliness:

The FinPari platform is extremely user friendly . I can honestly say this as SpotOption platform is my personal favourite. It has most of the features offered on standard SpotOption platforms and is very easy to navigate. However, I have to deduct a few points as a result of the false information about their regulations and over-the-top marketing on the main page of the website.

Number Of Assets And Expiry:

Finpari does offer a wide list of assets as well as a variety of expiry times and quite a few options for exotic trades. They do not offer range but it is not necessary with the Ladders. However, this is not outstanding reason to sign with FinPari as you can find these features elsewhere.

Commissions, Support and Effective Returns:

This broker does not require any commission, but they do have a withdrawal fee for wire transfers. Their support is decent but rather pushy when it comes to sales pressure, so keep this in mind. Their educational section is so-so, not a lot to offer, but the videos are pretty food. The effect return on Finpari is on par with the SpotOption standard, which is up to 600% and higher for One Touch and Ladder, 85% on call/put and somewhat lover for short/term 60seconds trading.

Deposit, Payment And Bonus:

The required minimum deposit is the standard with binary options brokers: $250 and can be made via debit/credit card, eWallet or wire transfer. I always recommend using eWallet whenever it is feasible. Finpari does accept Neteller, Skrill and others as well. Payments are made to the same account on which they were deposited; however, there is no limit for credit cards.

Bonuses are offered in the form of one-time only deposit bonuses up to 100% or risk free trading. The terms are a bit misleading. In one section it says turnover deposit is only 300% (3X), yet in another it says up to 20X. Regardless of bonus, every deposit must be turned over at least one time in order to make a withdrawal.

Broker Extras:

SpotOption goes above and beyond when it comes to extras as opposed to the average hum-drum trading platform. This includes Ladder options which offer a great deal of flexibility as well as increased payouts. They also offer Spot Follow, which is similar to iFollow which is essentially the copy trading platform that is offered by SpotOption and supported by ZuluTrade Technology.

24Option Review.

24Option, founded in 2009, is a true binary options pioneer. 24Option is owned by Rodeler Ltd. Rodeler Ltd is a company operating under Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC) license number 207/13. Founded in 2009, they are operated under Rodeler LD, which is regulated under CYSEC (Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission) and their license information is license number 207/13. As well they are registered with BaFin in Germany as well as the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) since 04/12/2013.

Is 24Option a Scam?

24Option was regulated in 2013 with CySec and therefore is not a scam operation in any way, shape or form. Under the authority of CySec, any money that is exchanged with this platform is secure.

The fact that they are a regulated system is the primary reason that 24Option was added to the official list of “non-scam” brokers. However, this does not necessarily that they do not have some issues. Even regulated brokers can have their cons.

Fortunately, these regularity reasons are not the only factor that contributed to 24Option making our list of non-scam systems. They are well-renowned for their user friendly interface and the trading system itself, as well as the overall platform navigation is outstanding.

It is very easy to trade with this system and the live charts provided by 24Option are easily accessed simply by clicking on the underlying asset itself. For those who wish to further examine any underlying asset, they simply have to click on the underlying asset tab to open a small pop up with information from sources such as Yahoo! There is no need to leave the site to do research.

These factors, as well as many others, are one of the reasons that 24Option is one of the best binary options brokers around. They have made great strides toward improvement since they originated such as redesigning the platform itself, increasing the number of underlying assets and keeping up to date with the latest technology and data. They seem to make it their priority to strive to be the best of the best when it comes to binary options trading.

Editor’s Note: Why We Recommend 24Option.

While some binary options brokers turn out to be scams, there are many that are legit, but in fact, 24Option is one of the few brokers that are held in high esteem. I can dismiss any suspicion of fraud thanks to their CySec licensing. Their superior customer service and professional and attractive trading platform makes them a popular and respected broker in the world of binary options trading.

The only small drawback of 24Option is that they no longer serve residents of the US due to regulation. This is good news for EU clients, but a bitter disappointment for those who reside in the US. Also, since the company has registered with CySec, their average return has decreased by 2%. However, the licensing itself is a major plus. Despite this, they still have returns as high as 88% per successful trade so this still bodes well for traders.

Do I recommend opening an Account with 24Option?

Since their origin 24Option has strived to greatly improve their already innovative, fully-online based platform. They consistently provide traders with the necessary and easiest tools to assist them with their trading. They also have an outstanding user-interface, as well as other great features. Note that we have stated earlier in this review that their user-interface, site navigation and overall trading experience are superlative.

The main premise behind 24Options trading platform that makes them stand out from other trading platforms is that their underlying assets are arranged from shortest expiry time to the longest (ie: 60 seconds to end of day, except in a few cases). IE: When you highlight the High/Low tab, you will notice the underlying assets are listed according to their expiry times. The shortest are listed first and the latter tend to expire at the end of the trading day.

Of course, traders have the ability to click the same tab and select the stocks or indices tab with the desire to only view specific underlying assets. In each category, there are over 100 available underlying assets and again they are arranged from the shortest to longest expiry times.

Overall, in my opinion these platforms are much easier to use than the others. Once you are familiar with the TechFinancials platform you will discover that it a preferable solution for the majority of investors i. e.: those who perform trades around the clock within just seconds.

In my opinion, the aforementioned investors are the high risk type as opposed to the more conservative traders. Both of these, however, will be well-pleased with the In-the-Money-Return feature, as there lies the possibility of 88% in-the-money as well as closing a trade prior to the expiry time to secure a winning trade or to eliminate any further losses. Out-of the – money trades will result in full capital loss on the specific trade.

88% appears to be the average return for successful trades for underlying assets such as forex pairs and 70% for exotic and minor pairs. Remember, that there is the possibility that a trader can lose their entire investment, as with any financial trading. However, these high return rates are what make 24Option one of the leading brokers in the world of binary options.

The downside of this is that the minimum investment is rather high ; the average is $24 for the majority of trading underlying assets. However, unlike other brokers, the minimum investment varies according to the individual underlying assets. This could be a bit discouraging to novice traders.

Fortunately, 24Option does provide a demo account so new traders can practice trading with virtual money before investing live. Another negative for newbie’s is that their minimum deposit is slightly high at $250. I tend to prefer those brokers with lower deposit fees, but with 24Option I feel the slightly higher investment is worth it as they are regulated and licensed so therefore they can be trusted.

24Option has recently partnered with the Juventus Football Club which only adds to their high credibility. They were already a top-notch, highly respectable brokerage, but this partnership is purely an added benefits. So if you’re a fan of both soccer and binary options trading, this is the platform for you. Also, for those who like tennis, 24Option and Boris Becker are currently offering a competition in which you have the chance to win 100 grand in USD.

You should take advantage of this offer now, as it will not be around forever. Keep in mind, as always, that investors do risk the chance of losing their all of their money! Aplicam-se termos e condições.

Their outstanding customer service makes 24Option a welcome home for the binary options trader, in addition to the fact that they are licensed with CySEC. 24Option offers traders the option to invest as much as 100 grand USD in a single trade so this proves that they have no issue in paying high returns to their clients. To spice things up, they also over prize money, up to $100,000 for weekly top traders! Aplicam-se termos e condições.

24Option Broker Complaints.

Let 7 Binary Options do the research so you don’t have to! I constantly search the internet for broker complaints to bring the results directly to our loyal readers. As unbelievable as it may seem, we could not find even one substantial complaint about this broker in our search.

I did notice an active online discussion concerning 24option in forums, comments sections and Complaint and Review Center. Our team is monitoring and checking these. I personally feel that the negative feedbacks concerning the withdrawal process were not legitimate complaints. These complaints are typical from disgruntled traders and do not always reflect the truth. The sincere complaints were in fact resolved by the company itself so I can honestly say that there are no major complaints concerning 24Option.

24Option Retirada.

Most sites will give you advice on how to deposit. However, at 7binaryoptions, we are not concerned with this issue. Our main focus is that major concern in binary options: the withdrawal process itself. As a rule, for obvious reasons, few brokers cause an issue with deposits, however quite a few brokers have issues when it comes to withdrawing your funds.

A plus with 24Option is that there is no limit to the withdrawal amount, as we often see with other platforms. The average time before you see your funds is three to seven business days. Skrill will have lower fees and also will make the process quicker. Those with VIP accounts do not have to pay a withdrawal fee, which is outstanding. However, you must remember to send proper documentation as specified under regulation before you can request a withdrawal.

24Option Extras.

A lot of traders look for the “extras” before they sign with a broker. But here at 7binaryoptions, we try to think outside the box. This section will highlight those features that are unique with 24Option and what sets them apart from other brokers.

The “Extras” that we found appealing with 24Option are as follows:

Free webinars: learn to trade with the aid of a professional Educational videos including 5-hour videos which are extremely beneficial to those new to trading! Highest Withdrawal Limits: This is a plus of which most traders are not aware. 24Options offers the highest limits available.

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24Option Features.

User Friendliness:

As a completely based web-tech platform, there is no need to download any software with 24Option. They have the best looking website we have seen thus far as the gold letters on the black background is both sophisticated and contemporary. Just above each underlying asset, is live information and other chats with just a simple click. Both the Glossary and FAQ sections are current and complete. The website is available in 18 languages including German, Arabic, Spanish, et al.

No. of Assets and Expiry time:

24option offers a total of 103 underlying assets including 30 currencies/forex, 11 commodities, 19 indices and 43 stocks. The variety of underlying assets is wide and the expiry times are outstanding as they allow the traders to choose from as little as 60 seconds to as much as end of the day/week/month.

Commissions, Support and Effective return:

There is no charge for investors for their initial deposit or purchase options. The first withdrawal is free as well. There is a $30 charge for wire transfers for withdrawals. Those with a Gold account get one free withdrawal a month. However, all withdrawals are free for those with Platinum accounts. Customer support is available with a total of 21 international phone numbers including French, Spanish, Italian, English and more. They can also be reached via email.

The Live Chat feature on 24Option was extremely polite and quick to respond. Their effective return rate is amongst the highest in the binary options trading market with an 82% return on most of the major currencies and 70-88% in the money. As always, we need to remind our readers that there is always a risk that you can lose all of your capital as a result of trading binary options as with any other type of financial investing. They do not offer an Out-of-Money refund but they offer the ability to close your position 2 minutes after purchase or up to 5 minutes before the expiry time.

Deposit and Payment:

The minimum deposit with 24Option is average: $250 / €250 /£250 / ¥50,000 or руб 10,000. Deposits can be made with Cash-U, Skrill, credit/debit card, wire transfer, et al. Generally, withdrawals can be made via the same process. There is a minimum of $200 for wire withdrawals. However, there is no minimum withdrawal via Skrill. There are usually up good offers with 24Options and they do occasionally offer amazing promotions and specials for both new and registered clients. Aplicam-se termos e condições.

Website Extras:

As one of the most innovative trading platforms, 24Option offers a good number of additional and unique features. The strength of their third party signals varies and provides information as to the most likely direction of the underlying asset. However, the expiry time is determined by the trader.

With the exception of High/low trades, they offer two additional means of trading: including One-Touch option, which lets the trader decide if the underlying asset will hit a certain value before the expiry time, which is most often available on weekends. Secondly, they offer a Boundary Option with 75% return rate via winning trade. Investors should have in mind that can lose all their capital and that trading alerts should not be considered as investment advice. A decisão de agir em qualquer sinal é sua e assumida sob seu próprio risco.

Option Financial Markets (OFM) – OptionFM Review.

UPDATE (12.01.2017):

We have found out that Option. FM is closed.

We recommend choosing one of our top binary option brokers instead:

Try also Binary Option Robot if you are looking for automated binary trading.

Revisão antiga:

OptionFM, or OFM, is one of the recent newcomers to embark on binary options brokerage platforms, as it was founded just two years ago, in 2014. However, despite being a newbie in a sea of established brokers, they have managed to recruit some of the most talented financial experts from around the globe.

This means that they have a plethora of financial experience under their belt. Due to this, they have quickly become one of the most trusted and respected brokers worldwide.

In their mission statement, Option Financial Market promises to guide their clients to successful binary options trading by helping them to reach their full trading potential. They can do so thanks to a vast offering of various types of trading accounts that cater to a wide variety of investors, an exceptional and innovative trading platform, excellent and informative educational tools and resources and a wide array of assets. In addition, they maintain close ties with their traders and analysts. OptionFM also supports automated trading.

Option. FM Account Features.

OptionFM has recently revamped and upgraded their website which now features a more distinguished trading system and super sleek design; as well as the confidence that their traders are able to invest on a safe and secure trading environment.

One of the main advantages in trading with OFM is that they regularly offer bonuses for their clients based on their account level. These bonuses are a plus as they enable traders to be able to get a head-start in their trading experience. IE: a $250 starting balance with automatically transition to a $500 account with the 100% welcome bonus. Traders are empowered by these bonuses to participate fully in OFM’s list of 200 plus tradable assets in order to earn a more substantial profit.

Per a conversation with OptionFM’s customer service via live chat, the turnover is calculated per the type of bonus. It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of said bonus before accepting.

Both new and experienced traders alike are able to find their place in the seven different account types offered by Option Financial Markets. As an added feature, OFM does not charge any commissions or fees for trades, for any account level. This broker easily caters to the various trading preferences and needs of their clients with their wide selection of account options.

The following are the different account types offered by Option. FM:

Starting at €250 Geared specifically for those new to binary options trading 200 trading assets available.

Starting at €2,500+ Choice of Trading packages Class A & B trading available Trading manual for use 1 Free Educational Session.

Starting at €5,000+ Access to Tiers 1 & 2 OFM Rewards Class A & B trading available Trading manual for use Wide selection of Trading Packages 2 Free Educational Sessions.

Limited protected capital.

Starting at €10,000+ Access to Tiers 1, 2 & 3 OFM Reward Class A & B Trading Available Trading manual for use Extensive Selection of Trading Packages 3 Free Educational Sessions Unlimited protected capital.

Starting at €25,000 Access to Tiers 1,2, 3 & 4 OFM Rewards Class A & B Trading Available Trading manual for Use 4 Free Educational Sessions Exceptional Selection of Trading Packages Unlimited Protected Capital Enhanced return on all investments OFM Financier Starting at €40,000 Access to Tiers 1,2, 3, 4 & 5 OFM Rewards Class A & B Trading Available Outstanding selection of Trading Packages Trading Manual for Use 4+ Free Educational Sessions Unlimited protected capital Enhanced return on all investments Suited Trading Portfolio.

Starting at €100,000+ Access to Tiers 1,2,3,4,&5 OFM Rewards Class A & B Trading Available Highest Selection of Trading Packages Trading Manual for Use Unlimited free educational sessions Unlimited Protected Capital Enhanced Returns on all investments Suited Trading Portfolio Access to Exclusive Vacation Packages.

Option. FM Trading Software.

One of the first things that traders will notice after opening an account with Option Financial Markets is that they offer a uniquely diverse selection of well over 200 global assets. Combined with the three trading methods offered on their SpotOption powered platform, traders can easily make informed and profitable trades on both short term and long term positions. OFM does not charge any fees or commission on these individual trades.

When utilising the classic Binary Options trading mode with which the majority of traders are most familiar, it is entirely possible to earn substantially large profits within a short period of time. Traders need only to decide with which asset they wish to trade, their desired expiry time, the direction in which they think they trade will go, and the amount of their investment . This straightforward method of trading is extremely popular as it very easy to maneuver.

The Long Term Trading Mode is ideal for those who envision long-term trading with a certain market area. OFM offers excellent expiry times in this mode that can go as long as nine months from the time one has selected the “Call” or “Put.” The fact that OFM offers both short term and long term trading gives traders ample opportunity to maximise their trading potential and enhance their trading portfolios.

For those who yearn for a bit more excitement, OFM’s 60 Second Trading Mode will get their adrenaline racing . It is similar to the both of the aforementioned modes in that a trader is able to choose the direction of an asset prior to the expiry. However, the previous modes often require traders to wait hours, days or even months before revealing the result of their trade, the 60 Second Mode offers traders expiry times of 30 or 60 seconds as well as other expiry times. This enables the trader to almost immediately receive confirmation as to whether their trades are in or out of the money. It is rare to find a broker that offers returns quicker than this.

Option. FM Support Information.

As their stamina as a broker has grown, so has their reputation for enabling success for their clients through superior personal customer support that specially caters to each client’s special needs and desires. Account managers are always a phone call or live chat conversation away. Clients with OFM are guaranteed an overall smooth and reliable trading experience. During the Option Financial Markets Review, FBO made use of the live chat options and received a response to our question within seconds.

Every account package that is offered by Option Financial Markets (OFM) has access to brokerage assistance as well as customer support which is great as this is considered a dual-method of trading support. This allows both traders and visitors alike to directly report any issues to OFM management.

In addition to the email support and live chat that are available around the clock, OFM also lists multiple customer service telephone numbers local to several countries on a global basis including Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France, South American and New Zealand.

Captura de tela.

Option. FM Banking and Company Information.

As banking is perhaps the most crucial factor as it is the most used feature in binary options trading, it is imperative that there is a decent selection of deposit and withdrawal options available for clients. For deposits, Option Financial Markets offers a variety of choices including credit cards, multiple eWallets and bank wire. Funds are readily available in the trader’s account balance most often within minutes of the deposit, which allows them access immediate trading. Personal information is guaranteed utmost security thanks to communication via SSL technology. Users are always able to contact OFM support at any time if they need assistance with their financial dealings.

As well, the withdrawal process with this platform is both fast and secure. Clients have the ability to request to withdraw their funds at any time. The withdrawal request is then process by OFM’s Compliance Department and may take up to 5 business days to process. There is an additional 2 to 3 days for those funds that are to be tendered to the bank account or credit card that applies for this process. The minimum amount for withdrawal is $100.

OFM must verify every account to ensure that all funds and accounts are properly protected due to Anti Money Laundering laws. Luckily, this is a simple process and all that is required of the traders is that they submit scanned copies of the proper identification documents via email to the Compliance Department.

Overall, this has been an extremely impressive review of Option Financial Markets (OFM) with the overwhelming consensus that they offer an exceptional profitable platform and an extremely secure trading environment.

AnyOption Review.

UPDATE (08.01.2018):

We have found out that Anyoption is closed.

We recommend choosing one of our top binary option brokers instead:

Try also Binary Option Robot if you are looking for automated binary trading.

If you are looking for another example of a powerful and trustworthy binary options trading platform, AnyOption is a good choice. It was founded in 2008 in Cyprus and is a subsidiary company of AnyOption Payment Services Limited. It is a popular binary options broker that has a wide client base using its proprietary trading platform. It is easy to use and offers a number of tools and features that help you get the most from binary options trading.

Binary Options Trading at AnyOption.

You have a number of options when placing trades at AnyOption. Which one you should choose depends on your attitude to risk, your trading strategy, and the signal that is generated on a particular asset type.

The options include simple high or low trades; i. e. will the price of the asset be higher or lower than now within a predefined period of time. Other options include one-touch binary options, early closure binary options, and boundary binary options.

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Registering an account with AnyOption is completely free, and traders from all over the world are welcome, including from the US and Europe. You can’t start trading, however, until you deposit money into your account. A number of deposit options are available, including credit card, debit card, bank transfer, Skrill, and more. O depósito mínimo é de US $ 200.

Withdrawing money is a simple process that you can trigger at any time. You can also withdraw any amount you wish, as there is no minimum. The first withdrawal you make every month is free. If you want to make further withdrawals within the same calendar month there is a small fee. In the UK that fee is £20 while in the US it is $30.

Available Assets at AnyOption.

AnyOption offers a wide range of assets that you can trade on. Isso inclui:

Currency pairs – this includes all the major currencies in the world grouped into comprehensive pairings. The Bitcoin currency is even included, making AnyOption quite unique.

Stocks & # 8211; a wide range of stocks are offered with major companies in the US, Europe, and Asia. They also come from a wide range of industries.

Índices & # 8211; all the major indices are represented but you will also find smaller and more niche industries that often make interesting additions to trading strategies.

Commodities – this includes oil as well as all major metals.

Four main binary options are available:

Standard binary Binary event Option+ One-touch binary.

You will not find all the world’s assets at AnyOption, but no binary options broker offers everything. For example, most traders have no interest in emerging market currencies, so AnyOption doesn’t offer them. What you do get, however, is a diverse and large range of assets and binary options to choose from.

Mobile Compatibility.

More and more binary options traders want the flexibility of being able to place and monitor trades using their mobile phone. You can do this with AnyOption. It works on both iPhone and Android devices, offering real-time information providing your phone has an internet connection. You can check prices, monitor your current trades, look at your trading history, and manage your account.

This is just one of the reasons that AnyOption is so popular with binary options traders.

Option Robot In a Nutshell.

A broker will not make you money in binary options trading – making money requires a good strategy. That said, having the right auto trading robot makes it exponentially easier to develop and implement your strategy, so binary option robots do have a significant part to play.

This is why it is so important to spend time researching binary options robots to make sure you get one that has all the features and tools you need to take your trading to the next level. This applies not only to those just starting out with binary options trading, but also to traders with a lot of experience who want to get involved in more complex and detailed strategies. Crucial among the features and tools you need are a high win rate and accurate signals. With Option Robot you get both, plus a whole lot more.

As far as binary options robots go, Option Robot is fairly new. You may not have noticed this, as the company has built up a large customer base for such a new operation. They have achieved this early success with their platform because of the level of service they offer. In addition, they have made the platform easy to use and have developed tools that help complete trading novices get a start with binary options. Our review will go into these features and more so you can see what you can expect from Option Robot.

Signals are a crucial part of successful binary options trading . You can create your own by analyzing charts and market data, but often there is too much going on for you to catch everything. Also, it may not be possible if you have other commitments. Option Robot has this covered, as it creates signals which you can use to place manual trades, or that you can set to trade automatically. You simply define the parameters, and Option Robot does the rest.

The biggest issue with signals in general, however, is accuracy. After all, there is no point getting a signal if it turns out to be wrong and you lose money on the trade. You would have been better off without it. Option Robot’s signals, however, have a good win rate. In fact, sometimes it is as high as 83 percent. As a result, you can trade with confidence even if you don’t have much binary options, investment, or trading experience.

Available Trading Systems.

Trading systems are the foundation of any automated binary options trading strategy. They are the core principles that the robot uses to decide how much to stake on each trade. There are many trading systems available, and some traders develop their own. There are three main types, however, and Option Robot supports them all.

Fibonacci system – the Fibonacci system is an advanced trading system that is actually more straightforward to implement than most. It also delivers high levels of accuracy. It uses the famous Fibonacci sequence of numbers to calculate the up and down trends of an asset. From this, the resistance level (price above which the asset is unlikely to go) and support level (price lower than which the asset is unlikely to go) are worked out. This makes it possible to predict which direction an asset’s price is likely to move next. Martingale system – this is another common system used by both advanced and new traders alike. In the Martingale system, you set an amount that you would like to trade. If that trade loses, the amount invested on the next trade is doubled. This continues until you get a win, at which point the amount you invest on each trade goes back to the original level. Like all systems, it has its risks, particularly if you have a string of losses. The potential rewards, however, are high. Classic system – if you have a low tolerance for risk, this is the strategy for you. You may make less money, but you should have lower losses over time as well, which often makes it easier to make a profit. The strategy is quite simple – the value of each trade stays exactly the same whether you have lost the previous trade or not.

Option Robot’s Indicators.

Indicators are a great way to reduce your level of risk when you automate trading activities. Option Robot gives you a number of indicators to choose from. They include stock, trend, MACD, Williams, RSI, and CCI. Basically, these indicators tell the robot whether to make a trade and in which direction.

Where indicators become really powerful, however, is when you run two or more together. For the robot to place a trade, both indicators must have generated a signal and the signal has to be in the same direction for both. If this doesn’t happen the trade is not placed. It is, therefore, a good way of automatically identifying false positives and signals that don’t have a great chance for success.

Contact and Customer Support.

You have a number of options when it comes to finding out information, asking questions, and getting help with Option Robot. The first is to read their blog. It is updated regularly and contains useful information on everything from the features of the platform to winning trading strategies. If you need something more specific, however, the first place you should check is the FAQ section. You might find that other people have had similar questions, and they are answered comprehensively here.

You will have to contact Option Robot’s customer support department if the FAQ section doesn’t provide the information you need. Unfortunately, there is only one way of contacting them – by email. The address is [email protected] Our experience is that they can sometimes be on the slow side to respond, but they always do respond and the information is helpful. As the platform continues to mature we expect additional contact and customer service options might be added.

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Getting Started with Option Robot.

You can get up and running with Option Robot in less than five minutes . The process starts by registering an account – you can do that by clicking here. You will have to enter some personal details as part of this process, but there are only a handful of fields to fill in and there is nothing unusual or complicated.

Once you are registered, the next stage is to deposit some money so you can start trading. There are a number of methods you can use to do this, including using your credit card or transferring money from your bank.

You can now set up your automated robot to start placing trades. You can access the settings for the robot by clicking on Auto Trade on your Option Robot dashboard. Here you will select the types of assets that you want to be included in your strategy. You also have to decide on an investment amount per trade, and set expiry times. That all takes just a few minutes, and from that point onwards the automated robot takes over.

One other thing you have to do is select a broker. You can do this manually by trying a broker out to see if they meet your needs, but most people go for the options offered by Option Robot. Those options include many well-known names that are regulated and have professional reputations. Examples include Banc de Binary and GOptions.

We believe Option Robot is doing a lot of things right so they will continue to increase the number of traders using the platform. One of the reasons for this is the fact that Option Robot is run by people with experience in the binary options and forex industries as traders. As they are traders rather than coders or marketers, they understand what other traders need and they have delivered this with Option Robot.

It is a particularly powerful platform for novice binary options traders. First of all it is free, so new traders with no experience do not have to make any investment. The registration and setup process is easier than most other platforms, and there are a lot of tools that let you set up a winning strategy even if you have minimal experience. In addition, experienced traders benefit from the range of advanced tools and the trading systems that Option Robot offers.

In conclusion, Option Robot is a binary options trading platform that we would recommend.

Automated Binary Short Review.

Today we are taking a look at a fairly new piece of software in what is becoming a crowded market. The question is, is Automated Binary the real deal? Will it help traders beat the market by providing reliable, automated results you can confidently stake your capital on? Or is there something of the dark about it?

Because if you’re happy to put someone else’s software in charge of your trades, letting it buy and sell in your name and with your money while you’re otherwise engaged without first learning everything you can about the way it goes about its business, we just might have a bridge we’d like to sell you.

It isn’t, of course, quite as risky as we just suggested because – though it’s true that the software is making trades for you without your involvement (you’re not asked to press the ENTER key to say, “Yes, okay, go for it.”) – it’s you that sets the parameters on when the software decides to buy, sell, or do nothing.

It may not seem that way at first glance, but it’s you that controls it and you that decides on the trading strategy. To put it differently, if you make money in staggering amounts, it’s you who can take the credit. And if you lose, you’ll know who to blame.

What It Is.

The central facts about Automated Binary are right in the name:

1. It’s automated. The software collects market data in real time, analyzes it, generates signals, and executes trades on behalf of the trader – you.

2. It’s binary. It’s for use by people who trade in binary options and work with more than one licensed broker.

The purpose of a signal is to alert the trader when trading options become available. Automated Binary allows you to choose between a very wide variety of signals, so you can use whatever you feel comfortable with and understand.

Automated Binary is cloud-based, so you’re not going to be downloading anything to your own computer. A feature we like is that your connection has to be switched on. If you have no live connection, it won’t place any trades for you, which makes it easier for traders to be in control of trades, which matters with this software because…

You’re in Charge.

It doesn’t matter how central or how peripheral to the system a parameter may be, it’s the trader who sets it. You choose:

Which assets you’re going to trade (though no binary options trader should ever forget that there is no underlying asset to her or his bet – something regulatory bodies would have as a caveat on every trade); The permitted number of simultaneous trades; How much to bet on each trade; and Which indicators to use.

That may possibly be the highest level of control given by any binary options system. Automatedbinary is binary options trading for adults.

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Go to the website, click , and type in the personal details you’re asked for. Don’t try to avoid this in order to trade anonymously; the system doesn’t permit that. Choose a broker – several are offered to you – and open your account with that broker. Make a deposit. Now you can start trading! However, we suggest you don’t until you’ve gotten to know and feel comfortable with the system, which you will do by…

Putting it to The Test.

Let’s be clear, here: binary options trading is gambling – informed gambling, but gambling – you’re betting that you know which way a particular index or price is going to move; and you’d better be right more often that you’re not because the percentage of your stake that you “win” when you get it right is always less than the 100% of your stake that you lose when you’re wrong.

So, selecting the signals you’re going to tell the software to follow is a vital part of setup, and we recommend you use the demo option, trying out a variety of signals and limits without risking your own money, until you’re completely at home with the system. You do this by using the $50,000 the system gives you for this purpose.

It isn’t a real $50,000, of course. It’s virtual money and you risk it in virtual trades, learning how the software works and how to use it and then making trades until (or this is the hope) you feel sufficiently secure to start trading for real. Once that happens, you’ll be covering your own losses, but you’ll also be able to draw out your profits, which, of course, isn’t possible with any virtual money you win by getting the trades right.

We recommend that anyone, including seasoned traders, go through some virtual trades before starting to use Automated Binary “live,” because every system has idiosyncrasies that you don’t know about till you fall over them.

We also recommend that anyone who loses the whole of the virtual $50,000 should forget about binary options trading. This software is so good when compared with a number of offerings that if you can’t make it work, you probably shouldn’t be trading.

How Automated Binary Generates Signals.

These are the market indicators that Automated Binary uses to generate signals:

Stochastic Oscillator MACD RSI (Relative Strength Index) Trend Indicator Williams Indicator CCI.

A software review is not the place to explain how these market indicators work. We assume that if you’re thinking of using an automated trading program of this sort, you understand them and that, if you don’t, you’ll carry out your own research before starting to use them to initiate trades. You can use indicators separately and in a vacuum, or you can combine two or more of them. Automated Binary will understand what you are trying to achieve and will produce trading signals accordingly. We recommend that approach because no indicator is entirely satisfactory on its own. The most dependable and profitable trading will come from combining most of the indicators or all of them.

How Automated Binary Conducts Trades.

Automated Binary conducts trades the way you, the trader, tell it to – as long as you tell it to use one of these three methods:

The Classic method The Martingale, or Compound, method The Fibonacci method.

It’s your choice, but it isn’t a once-for-all election – you can change it whenever you like.

The Classic method will be preferred by most neophytes since it minimizes risk. It also minimizes profits though, so experienced traders may want to move on to the Martingale . The reason it is also known as the Compound method is that it doubles up after each loss until there’s a win. You can make the most money that way, but the price you pay for that prospect is that you can also lose most, especially if you run out of money before the losing trend has turned around – something every binary options trader should be aware of. Finally, there’s the Fibonacci method for those who believe that patterns are reiterative and that what a market did in the past, that market will do again.

Our Verdict.

No one involved with binary options trading can be unaware of the number of scams around. Is Automated Binary one? We don’t believe it is.

Part of our confidence in the software comes from the well-regarded and prestigious brokers who have signed up to provide services to Automated Binary users. We don’t believe they would have done so unless they had investigated the company and found it to be reputable.

We’d feel even happier if the website had a physical address and the names of the people involved. These are important indicators of a website’s bona fides, and they’re not present.

That being said, and subject always to the proviso that binary options trading is risky and you can lose everything you have (and a lot that you don’t have), we regard the system as offering some excellent trading options for those who understand what trading is about.

While there may be no addresses and executives’ names, there is also a welcome lack of those ridiculous claims of the huge sums to be won while ignoring the equally huge sums to be lost or that show the faces of people you don’t for one moment believe it says were penniless and are now driving Lamborghinis in Monte Carlo.

Our overall conclusion is that it’s probably an above average bet for binary options traders.

Binary Options Robot Short Review.

The binary options broker that you choose is critical to the success of your trading efforts. That broker determines whether you use a platform that is simple and intuitive, or one that is complicated and challenging.

They also have a financial responsibility as they hold your money and process your deposits and withdrawals. In addition, good brokers provide signals that you can then use to place profitable trades. When you take all these things into account, one of the best brokers available on the market today is Binary Options Robot.

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Eight Reasons Why You Should Choose Binary Options Robot:

Profit potential – like almost every other trader in the world, your involvement in binary options trading is to make money. That means you need a robot that is good at delivering high rates of return. If they can do that while keeping your investment levels low, all the better. Binary Options Robot meets these criteria as it has rates of return that are as high as 83 percent. In fact, that is one of the best rates of return in the industry and you will be hard pressed to find a broker that offers more. Platform functionality – Binary Options Robot offers a trading platform that is attractive, uncluttered, and easy to use. In fact, even novices will find it easy to get started. All the information and tools that you need to make money in binary options trading are available. In addition, you will get signals that are among the best in the industry. The signals are created by complex algorithms that work alongside professional traders. This combination of mathematical computational power and human experience is what gives Binary Options Robot a win rate of over 80 percent. So you can expect that up to eight out of 10 trades you make will generate a profit – that is the foundation of a successful strategy. Available assets – the more assets that a binary options broker offers, the more opportunities you will have to make money. This particularly applies if all or part of the signal generating and trading process is automated. After all, an asset could generate an accurate signal but you will never know about it and you won’t be able to place a trade on it if your trading platform doesn’t offer it. This is why Binary Options Robot offers as many assets as possible to its traders. You will be able to find assets you are familiar with and prefer to trade on, plus there are others that you can use to expand your trading strategy. Web-based – you don’t have to download anything in order to use Binary Options Robot . This is because it is a web-based system that you access from your web browser. This offers a number of benefits. Firstly, nobody likes installing more software on their computer than absolutely necessary. Secondly, managing installed software is a headache, particularly when you have to update it. Neither of these things is an issue with web-based software. Every time you access Binary Options Robot, therefore, you can be sure you are using the latest and most secure version of the platform. Support – Binary Options Robot is used by traders all over the world, so customer support is available round the clock. The customer service team is knowledgeable, friendly, and approachable, plus they work hard to resolve every query as quickly and efficiently as possible. They are also responsive, so you won’t have to wait long to hear back from them. You can normally contact the team via a method of communication of your choice, including live chat, email, and phone. Bonuses – some binary options brokers offer the world when it comes to bonuses, but they unfortunately rarely deliver. This is not the case with Binary Options Robot. The company offers generous bonuses and, in our experience, it always delivers on its promises. Of course, there are terms and conditions attached to any bonus – you would not expect anything else from a professional trading platform. However, the bonuses are real and substantial. They include a welcome bonus as well as ongoing bonuses that will help keep your balance healthy so you can continue to trade. Works on any device – the internet has moved away from desktop-only services, and the binary options trading industry is no different. This is driven by consumer choice – consumers want to use their mobile phones as well as their tablets, desktops, and laptops. Any modern and forward-thinking binary options trading platform has to cater to all these users. Binary Options Robot does this better than most, as all its features and tools work just as well on mobile as they do on a computer. All you need to make it work is internet access. Ferramentas & # 8211; Binary Options Robot offers you a number of tools that will help you make maximum profits and get better as a trader. This includes training materials, how-to guides, and other educational tools for binary options trading. Examples include video tutorials, trading charts, eBooks, manuals, and webinars. You also get a number of tools that you can use while actively trading and researching assets. This includes detailed asset information, price data, and easy-to-read charts.

These eight points only skim the surface of the potential and power of Binary Options Robot. It is an honest platform, and it is set up to make it as easy as possible to create and implement a successful binary options trading strategy. It is a one stop shop, and it is not surprising that so many people select it as their trading platform of choice.

Binary Option Trading Systems.

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Does IQ Option accept traders from germany?

Hello Hans. Yes, IQ Option accepts traders from Germany.

Please can you find out for me if BinarinG is a regulated broker? I’m having a difficulty getting my money from them. I will appreciate if you can get this info.

BinarinG is not a regulated broker and we don’t recommend it. I would try IQ Option or 24option instead. I hope you get your money back from them.

IQ Option is fantastic and easy to use.

Thank you for the best binary trading website! Mantenha o bom trabalho.

i like to know more about this trading, fyi im 0 knowledge about trading, but i like to make extra money from trading. can someone share with me on this.

Desde já, obrigado.

They have educational articles in the “Education” seção. Helped me out a lot during my first weeks of trading.

Which is the better option IQ Option or Binary option robot ?

If you want to make all the trading decisions by yourself, IQ Option is a better choice, whereas if you would like to take it easy and let a sophisticated trading algorithm make the trading choices for you, I would use Option Robot.

Hi does IQ option offer there services for ppl in no treal I’m having trouble finding a regulated broker.

Hi I’m in Montreal and having a hard time finding a regulated broker can some1 help thank you.

Binary options trading in Ireland? Any tips?

Eu recomendaria opção de QI para um corretor. É o melhor no negócio agora. Se você está procurando um robô de opção binária - então o Robot de Opção é o melhor.

Você encontrará avaliações completas aqui:

IQ Option -> 7binaryoptions / iqoption-review /

Robô opcional -> 7 opções binárias / robô /

I want to start buying of shares, but i dont know how go about it. Im not working but i want to buy shares with the little money that i have, which is the cheapest but productive shares.

All you need is a reliable trading tools as it is not advisable to depend on your broker for trading tips and signals.

After changing a lot of strategies, I begin to trade with IQ Option. I have made profit in the past 3 years and now I make £8,000 every week.

Hi Kelly, do you use any BO robot for your trades? For me very interesting about that.

What is the best broker for Romanian traders?

Hi, is Expert Option a scam?

It is not a scam, but i would recommend IQ Option for beginners. Read my full review HERE.

What do you think is the highly suggested brokers for beginners? And what brokers would you recommend if I want to enjoy the benefits social trading? I am new here and would like to avoid making new rookie mistakes whenever possible, so please let me know. Any tips are highly appreciated!

Hi everyone! I am having a hard time finding a good broker that works with Canadians. Many do but you have to use Skrill to fund your account and unfortunately, Skrill has terrible reviews and many warnings against using them. Quais são seus pensamentos? Qualquer sugestão será apreciada. Obrigado.

hello friend, since you are in canada i would advise you trade with 24option its a leader on the binary options trading market with 5 years of experience offering exclusive customer support, and user friendly platform suitable for everyone − from beginners to experienced traders, The company is regulated by CySEC, following the strict regulatory rules in order to provide one of the safest and most secure trading options available on the financial market these days ive being trading with them for 2 years now and the experience has been safe and profitable feel free to contact me for assistance or info on strategy, softwares, trading or how to trade profitably.

Ei! Tomorrow I am planning on making my first deposit. There is one broker I have decided on, but I wanted to get some other opinions on them first to make sure. The reason I picked this broker is because they accept bitcoin, not all brokers do. So I wanted to know if anyone uses any broker that accepts bitcoin and successfully withdrawals from them. Many brokers have pretty good reviews, but just wanna chat with anyone who used them. Any input?

What do you think about ”Ayrex Broker”? Is it good or not?

hi john my name is sidharth I am an indian citizen now studying in Russia…….I was interested about trading from small age itself. i used to trade in india………..I have a 24option , iq option , expert option , option robot accounts ……….but after reading your article about trading in Russia I am totally concerned and confused………what should I do……..should I continue my trading…………….?

desperately waiting and hoping for a reply.

Can you recommend any broker, trading sites for japan based clients?

Is IQ Option good for African traders?

hallo.. is Expert Option a good broker to use in binary trading.?

Does IQ option binary accept traders from philippines?

hai, If u using binary robot, What broker u recommend for using Binary robot? i dont know what Broker Have Minimum trade? like 1$

Hi is expertoption legit?

I was trading with Wynn Finance for about a year and then my access was interrupted and I have not been able to access the site for trading.

Does anyone know what happened with the access in the USA?

I was confused myself but later found out that they limited access to it. I later found a means get access to it and pulled out my funds. I’ll advice you to do same.

If somebody know what happened with Tradorax ? Web side closed !

i am making over $5000 most weeks.

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